This upload as one of MY VERY OWN POEMS in it! I really hope you like it because its an Original !! <3
Chapter 5- The Loving
And then…my attacker burst out laughing with such a familiar…Aiden! Oh my god he is dead! I whipped around, saw where Aiden was and immediately started smacking him, over and over again and with each pause between the smacks I said a different word until it spelled out,” How…Dare...You…Do…That…To…Me…And…Then…Have…The…Nerve…To…Laugh…About…It!!” Even after I was done saying that I kept smacking him and smacking him, smacking harder each time. This’ll teach him to mess with Levina Marie Zerona!! He kept yelping and yelping and frankly I found it entertaining until he suddenly screamed,” Stop it!!” and grabbed my wrists tightly, shoving me back into the table.
I stumbled once before catching my balance, I glared at him fiercely, my lips curling up over my teeth in a deathly snarl. Aiden’s eyes widened and I had the satisfaction of watching him jump back, cowering into the space between the fridge and the wall. I held my head high and made my voice turn cold when I said,” Don’t act like that. And don’t scare me like that again. I actually though you were hurt! Bah! I should’ve known it was just a childish prank.” I tried to turn away before I saw his expression but I didn’t turn fast enough. He looked hurt, and heartbroken, so much that I couldn’t help but turn back around, and say, my voice soft and caring,” I didn’t mean that…I was just really scared. I thought someone had broken in and hurt you…and I guess I took that out on you. I’m sorry.”
Aiden looked up at me and though I could still detect some hurt, his eyes were softer, and filled with understanding. He smiled half-heartedly and whispered,” It’s alright, Levy…I shouldn’t have scared you like that…I honestly didn’t know it would scare you that bad. I’m really sorry.” Awe…Now I feel like complete and utter crap. How could I have done that? I sighed but smiled slightly back at him,” Okay, okay we are both sorry…How about we watch a movie or something? I believe I have butter popcorn…” I saw him grin, but then his facial expression changed and he held up a finger,” Wait! Before we watch a movie…I want to give you something. I wrote it, just for you.” He walked out of the room and I frowned, wondering if I should follow him, but then he came back in with a notebook. He opened it up to a certain page and put it on the table in front of me. He whispered,” Read ‘Do You Know?’ Okay?” I nodded and sat down, inspecting his handwriting before I started to read the poem…
Do you know? It read.
Do you know I love you?
I'm sure you do,
But if you don't go on and read this,
And I'll hope that by the end I'll get rewarded with a kiss.
Oh what great memories that one word gives,
To your love I am captive,
To the way your lips feel against mine,
Your beauty is oh so divine...
I see you and I don’t know what to do,
I love how I can be myself around you,
I also love your innocence,
No, I’m not speaking nonsense.
You render me speechless almost every day,
Never leave me, never go away,
I couldn’t bear not seeing your perfect body,
Your perfect soul, you’re not the least bit gaudy.
Your timid way of doing things,
Oh, to me, what happiness it brings,
Now, after this I hope you understand,
You’re far from bland.
And, also, that I love you,
I truly do…
I gulped, tears forming in my eyes and spilling over onto my cheeks. I quickly wiped them, sniffing. I looked up at Aiden and he looked at me, his eyes betraying his fright, at least until I attacked him in a hug, my arms wrapped around his neck. I murmured,” Oh Aiden…It’s so…so beautiful. And…Just so you know…I love you, too.”
I heard his gasp and then the next thing I knew I was being spun around the room. I laughed and squealed happily, clinging to him so I wouldn’t fall. Oh wow…You know out there in the world I’m sure there is an award called ‘World’s Greatest Guy’ and I’m also sure, that Aiden…has that in the bag.
So, as you can see how happen that moment was, I’m sure you can understand my disappointment when Justin and Acacia burst into the room. They were gasping for breath and Justin looked like he had just seen a ghost. I was just about to ask them what was wrong when Justin screamed out,” We’re werewolves!!!”
And that is how my whole world got turned upside down.
Oh wow!! font is the same...Why can't I change my font back? :O EVIL!!!!! Okay I'm going to stop freaking out and just sincerelly hope that you can read this.Cause if you can't...well..that stinks. I hope you liked this upload
YOU KNOW THE USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Silver Bullet
WerewolfThe Silver Bullet is a non-cliche werewolf story. Levina Marie Zerona is your narrator and she is a quiet, crazy girl. Her sister, Acacia Rose Zerona and two of their friends Justin Ryder Mendel and Aiden Jaymes Gonzalez, and Levina are in the woods...