Chapter 18

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The bell rings, and the students nervously start putting notebooks they laid out on the pavement to copy each other's homeworks back in their bags and then line up, waiting for the teacher to come.

"Where is Jason?", Lena asks Sharon.

"No idea. He should've been... oh there he is!"

They both look to the gate and see him running in, his face a bit red, like his hair.

"Jason, what is this? You're never late!", Lena asks, worried.

"I had...", he gasps for air , "... an emergency."

"What kind of emergency?"

He looks to the side, trying to spot him. Instead, the teacher captures his attention, opening the door and calling the class in.

"Tell you later."

Thankful for the distraction, he marches in, walking next to Sharon, still looking around.

"Jimmy isn't here today. I think he's sick."

"Oh..." Jason muttered, looking to the ground.

Sharon tries to make eye contact, then realizes his disappointment.

"He'll come back tomorrow, I think, don't worry."

She disappears into the crowd, going to her girlfriends.

"Hey... it's ok, Jason, I believe you will see him soon.", whispers Lena, patting him on the back.

"Oh hi...", he turns to her, " didn't see ya..."

"Nothing to worry about. I'm sure he's fine."

" I hope so." he grabs his phone. "Maybe he'll tell me what's wrong."

Oh great, he's online! He writes him "Hey Jimmy, did something happen? You coming to school today? Miss you!🤗"

Jimmy leaves him on seen.

Jason, a bit disappointed, hands over the phone to the teacher and everyone enters the classroom, one by one.

During the lesson, his gaze keeps wandering around the room. He occasionally writes something down, but Jimmy keeps popping up in his head. First why he isn't there, then imaginary scenarios in which he walks into the room and sits next to him.

They all come out into the schoolyard when the bell rings for the 10 AM break. He notices the purple light on his phone flashing, indicating a new message, but before he manages to read it, a guy walks right up to him.

His heart starts pounding like crazy.


"Hey Jason, follow me."

In less than a minute they arrive to a lonely site surrounded by birches, still within the yard.

He spots Ralph and Ben approaching them from a different path.

"What are we gonna do here? And what are they here for?" Jason blurts in confusion.

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