<POV Harry>
"What are you doing here?" We asked each other simultaneously.
This girl has just scared the shit out of me. Who wouldn't be scared, when someone comes out of nowhere ready to smack you in the head with a bottle of wine? I was sure I was alone here in the cellar. Apparently, I was wrong. And what the hell is Rosemary doing here?
"Well," she started, "I kind of work here. And how did you get here?"
"Are you serious?"
"Does I look like I'm not?"
"Well, I'm kind if Anne and Robin's son." I feel amused by this situation by now. This is the first time I've ever had to explain what I'm doing in my parents' house.
"Oh," was the only thing Rosemary could pronounce, "So you're the one and only Styles' son?"
"Yep, in the flesh. Have you heard of me before?"
"Sort of. Look, I really gotta go now. I was asked to get this wine a while ago, and the guests must be waiting for me".
"Um, yeah, of course."
The girl approached one of the shelves, took a bottle of wine and turned around, heading to the cellar's exit and glancing quickly at me when passing by.
What did she mean saying she works here? I really want to talk to Rosemary later, plenty of questions have already piled up in my mind.
I took the wine bottle I came here for and headed back to the living room, where I saw Rosemary pouring wine into everyone's glasses and then walking out and going to the kitchen.
As soon as I entered the room I faced the most annoying thing I can think of. My parents and some of their friends started boasting about their children's universities, what celebrity kids they're studying with and how much the paid for it.
I sat there in silence, trying to hide my annoyance. The only thing cheering me up was Niall's presence. I guess my parents invited him and his family intentionally, so that I wouldn't be that pissed off, because Bridget and her family are irritating me so much. Every time I see them I'm about to lose control and I have my reasons to do so.
"Can you imagine he really chose chemistry? We're so proud of him." Robin said.
"Way to go!" Niall's dad Bobby replied. "This fool of ours has decided to study marketing," Bobby joked pointing at Niall, "I'm happy he's following in my footsteps, but I was sure he wouldn't want to apply to any college at all." Apparently he was joking, so he patted his son on the shoulder as an encouragement.
Niall wouldn't strike anyone as a diligent student. But I respect their family a lot since they try to stay pretty down-to-earth. Despite of travelling eight times a year and spending an obscene fortune on it, they've never boasted about it. They appreciate their family ties and spend as much time with each other as possible.
To be honest, sometimes I envy Niall's life: he had a real childhood with parents, who gave him love and affection he needed, not just a quick kiss on the head before heading off to job or another business trip.
"Huh?" I snapped out of my daze.
"Bridget and her family have just invited as to a racecourse tomorrow. There will be horse racing in the morning, we could make bets and have some fun." Robin filled me in on what I've missed.
I turned my head in the direction of a young brunette, who was grinning at me with a way too shiny white smile.
"Great idea, can't wait!" I said, with a smile as wide, only it was fake. Niall must have noticed my sarcasm and he chuckled covering his mouth with a fist.
<POV Rosemary>
Most of the time after the dinner I spent in the kitchen, only walking in the living from time to time to refill the guests' glasses. I heard them arguing about some people, paintings and companies and I found it really boring.
"Sweetheart, you can go," Tom said, "I think you can be free for tonight, the guests will probably go to sleep soon."
"Yes," Daisy agreed, "They're not leaving until day after tomorrow, so you'll have plenty of time to work."
I didn't argue much. I am tired considering I studied before I came here and it's already midnight. But I don't want to sleep. Right now I really want to go to my favourite place in this house – a little terrace overlooking the forest.
There's only one way to get there – you have to go to the library on the second floor and open an inconspicuous door between two bookshelves. Nobody except me goes to this terrace and this is what I like the most. I guess, Styles' simply forgot they have such a wonderful place in their house. They're always travelling and they don't really have time for any type solitude like that.
This place is perfect to distract from your problems. I usually grab a book from one of the shelves in the library before going to the terrace and then fully sink into the story, feeling free and light-hearted. When I'm here it's just me, the characters of the book and complete silence.
I even set it up to my taste a little. A couple of big sail poufs, a blanket, and a small coffee table were now decorating the terrace making it one the most peaceful places in the world.
Passing by the library I randomly grabbed one book, which then turned out to be notes from young woman's diary. The plot was taking place in 1920's and she was describing her life: starting with her childhood and ending with her love-story with a man, who cheated on her with his ex. Sounds like a good plot for some TV show.
"Rosemary?" I heard a voice behind me and flinched startled.I turned my head and saw a dark silhouette leaning against the door frame first and then slowly approaching me.
"So we meet. Again." I'm sure his lips formed a smirk when he said it, even though I couldn't really see it in the darkness. "How did you get here?"
"The same way you did, I guess. Through the library."
"Yeah, that was a stupid question. I mean I've never seen anyone here before. I see you changed this place a little."
"Um..yes. I felt like this terrace was a bit abandoned, so I decided to revive it."
"Looks nice."
"Thank you." I replied with a smile.
<POV Harry>
In spite of the fact that I still had questions to ask Rosemary, there was silence between us until Rosemary decided to be the first one to break it.
"So, you're Anne and Robin's son?"
"Yeah," I chuckled lightly, "Have you heard a lot about me?"
"Not much, but I have. I know you were in some military college and then came back to study at university. Anne and Robin have told me their son was studying at the same uni as me, but I had no idea it was you they were talking about. You know, that's kind of funny."
"It's a small world, Rosemary. By the way, you said you worked for my parents?" I intentionally make my sentence come out more like a question, not knowing what exactly to ask her and hoping that she'll tell me her story herself.