Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker

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    Bella and Dani entered the house nervously, seeing Charlie cleaning his rifle at the kitchen table. They watched him for a minute, then looked at each other, their nerves shown on their faces. Bella stepped up to the table and blurted out that she was going on a date with Edward. Daniella stepped to the table as well.

"I..I'm going on one with Jasper Hale too, Dad." Charlie looked shocked and confused.

"I thought you girls said you didn't like any boys in town." He responded.

"Well..technically they don't exactly live in town." Daniella said, her sass was playful and light as she tried to extinguish the tension in the room.

"Aren't they a little to old for you two." Charlie tried and he watched the two closely.

"We're all Juniors, Charlie. I-I thought you liked the Cullen's." Bella stuttered.

"That was when I didn't have to worry about you both liking them." He sighed, his worry for his kids growing slowly.

"Well, they're outside." Dani told her father.

"They're here? Now?" Charlie asked.

"They want to meet you..Officially, dad." Daniella responded.

"Good, Good." Charlie said, cocking his gun in mock-seriousness.

"Hey, be nice. Please? They're important to us." Daniella asked as they made their way to the front door. Charlie let out a sigh and a reassuring smile. Bella opened the door, allowing Edward and Jasper to walk into the warmth of the house. Jasper stepped up to Charlie, a respectable smile on his face as he held out a glove covered hand.

"Chief Swan, we wanted to formally introduce ourselves. I'm Jasper Hale." He shook hands with Charlie as Dani and Bella watched nervously. Edward then stepped forward and smiled as he shook hands with Charlie as well.

"I'm Edward Cullen." Charlie let out a hello, resisting the natural instinct to accept the vampires in front of him. "We won't keep the girls long. We're going to be playing baseball with my family."

"The girls. Playing baseball." Charlie raised an eyebrow in question and let out a chuckle. The girls seemed a little shocked at the statement as well. "I think I should be wishing you guys luck instead of them." Everyone laughed softly at the joke.

"They'll be safe with us, sir. I promise." Jasper stated and a few minutes later they were making their way toward the car outside.

"You father believes you two should go to an all girls school." Edward announced.

"Hey! Totally not fair, reading Charlie's mind, Eddie boy." Daniella said, as she buckled into the car.

"He's the only Swan I can read. I had to know." Edward admitted. Bella and Dani looked at each other for a minute then back to each other.

"You can't read Daniella's mind?" Bella noted. Edward shook his head.

"Not all the time. Sometimes, if she's distracted or if she forgets I can do it, I can read her mind. But most of the time I can't." Edward said.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Dani asked. Edward laughed and responded.

"You two are the strangest human beings I think I've ever met." Daniella huffed.

"That's coming from a mind reading vampire." She grumbled. Jasper couldn't help the loving smile that found it's way onto his face. Bella then noticed the bat in the floor board and decided to asked the question they both had been wondering about.

"And since when do vampires like to play baseball?" She asked looking over to Edward from the passenger seat.

"It's an American pastime. Plus, there's a storm coming. It's the only time we can play." Edward smirked and he started to drive away from the twins home.

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