The design of Kara's apartment building was entirely similar to Winn's but two stories shorter. Again, the ladies took the elevator up, getting off at the third floor and heading left to the end of the hallway.
"What exactly do you expect to find in Kara's apartment?" Lena asked as they walked towards it.
"Like I said," Lois shrugged, "reporter notes on Supergirl and such."
"At her apartment instead of at work?"
"Look, I already grabbed the most recent notebook from her desk, and that didn't have anything relevant so—"
"You what?"
"Just relax, Luthor. I'm not spying for the Planet. I'm just looking for a clue on the missing Supers. We're in this together, right?" When Lena continued to scowl, Lois asked, "What's wrong?"
"Kara enjoys her privacy." Lena thrust her chin forward. "Going through her desk was disrespectful."
Failing to contain her eye roll, Lois replied, "I'll apologize when we find her."
"Ah, yeah. When we find Supergirl, I'll apologize to Kara for snooping through her things. I'm sure she'll, she as in Kara I mean, will agree that it was for a good cause."
Somewhat mollified, Lena let the conversation drop and they continued on to the apartment. It had been a short trip to the third floor and was an even quicker walk to Kara's apartment.
"Let's just hope she didn't leave the chain on," Lois said as she pulled out her lock pick case and unzipped it.
"How would she have the chain on if she isn't at home?"
"In case she left through the... Yeah, good point. What was I thinking?" As she knelt in front of the door with a pick in her mouth and the tension wrench in her hand, Lois pulled her head back when a hand with keys in it cut in front of her gaze. She harrumphed and looked up at Lena. "You have a key?"
Unlocking the door, Lena pocketed her keys and stepped through the threshold. "Of course. It's Kara's apartment."
"Of course," Lois muttered as she put her picks away and closed and pocketed the case before following Lena inside. "So, you come here often?" When Lena cast a difficult to decipher look in her direction, Lois said, "I mean, do you often come here to Kara's apartment?"
"Oh." Lena flicked on the switch, illuminating the room as Lois closed the door. "I suppose. Kara and I try to get together once or twice a week. Though my place is bigger, hers is much... homier. Anyway, we don't need much room for two people."
"Right," Lois said slowly as Lena cast her gaze around the room. "And you have a key?"
"Hmmm?" Lena prodded the soil of a plant with her fingertip. "Sometimes, Kara will have to run out unexpectedly, and I've been stuck in the hallway waiting for her to return on movie night. This way, I can let myself in. I also water her plants while she's away." As if to demonstrate, Lena flicked on the kitchen light, grabbed a glass from a cabinet, and filled it from the tap.
Lois was already digging through drawers in the living room, her gaze quickly examining the contents before dismissing them and moving on. "You two sound close." When Lois looked up, Lena was leaning against the kitchen counter, frowning.
"She's my best friend."
Lois offered an awkward smile. "She's lucky to have you."
"I'm the lucky one," Lena replied rather dismissively as she turned her back on Lois and moved to the houseplant from earlier.

Fanfiction"When did you get to become so wise?" "Same way as anyone else," Lois replied sadly as she hugged Lena back, giving her a comforting squeeze to let her know she wasn't alone any more. "I had a really bad day. And a Super was involved." ........... W...