getting to know y/n

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y/n pov
Shawn's crew was very sweet. They first asked how I started listening to Shawn's music.
I explained how I was going through a lot at the time and one day it's like I just woke up and googled him and started to listen to his music. At first it was his older songs. Mainly from illuminate and handwritten. Then I heard in my blood which helped me so much. And I continued to follow his new songs as they were released. We got to talking about family and how important it is to both of us. We both have a younger sibling so we can relate to one another even though I'm 4 years younger than Shawn. He has a sister and I have a brother. Shawn told me about how close he is with his parents and sister which made my heart melt. He is so caring. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of the tour with him.

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