I walk through the front door, up the stairs, and right into my room. While I'm there I change to some comfortable work out clothes, some shorts and a tank top, nothing special. I do my homework first as it wasnt hard, nor did I have a lot, then made my way across the hall to the gym where I worked out for an half an hour.
Not gonna lie, I was pretty musty after that work out, so I got my towel, pajamas and more and made my way to the bathroom and took a good 10 minute shower. As soon as I made my way to my room, got dressed, etc., my girlfriend Monika (not doki doki oki) walks in while I was laying in bed, just about to watch some TV before I had to prepare dinner.
"Hey John!" I hear a familiar, sweet, angelic voice say.
"Hey Monika!" I reply back as I get up and hug her with a beaming smile plastered on my face, what can I say, her optimism is contagious. "How are you doing?"
"Well we just seen each other at school silly!" She giggles a bit. "Its only been a few hours."
"Oh, right!" I chuckle at my forgetfulness. "So, are you going to be staying for dinner again. I'm cooking tonight and I was thinking some spaghetti, garlic bread, and maybe some salad for dinner."
"I would love to, b-" Without thinking I cut her off.
"Great! I'll start cooking now." I say walking towards the door, but then I stop as I feel a hand touch my arm.
"You didn't let me finish, I was going to say, I would love to, but I have soccer practice today, I was just coming to get my soccer bag since I left it here when I was exercisingwith you yesterday." She gave a nervous giggle, I could tell she felt a bit bad for getting my hopes up.
"Oh, right..." Nows my turn to laugh nervously, but it hust comes out as another nervous chuckle. "I can go check for it right now if you want."
"That would be great, thanks!" She pulls me into a warm embrace, and automatically I hug back, of course.
I walk out the room and down the hall to the gym, as I was walking, I had a weird feeling that it was further than it usually was..
I make it to the gym, after what seemed like an eternity. I open the door but fall to my knees holding my head in pain, it strained me to move just a bit, it felt like my brain was being microwaved...
Images of my mother's death flash in my mind, I hold onto my head more as I feel my self get queasy, I could feel a knot in my throat as though I might burst into tears right on the spot...but I don't..
I stay there for 30 more seconds, then I get up, feeling off balanced almost. I then remember my surroundings and my objective. I make my way into gym and get Monika's bag and rush back to Monkia, hoping I didnt make too loud of a thud.
Monika looks at me, with a hint of concern in her face, "Are you okay..I heard a sound..and your face is a tad bit flushed, like you seen a ghost or something.."
I think fast and come up with an excuse, "Yeah, yeah of course I am. I just tripped over a lump in the carpet since I wasn't paying attention to the ground." I cough out a nervous chuckle, it was somewhat convincing. I'm relieved to hear her giggle as well, meaning she bought my little white lie.
"Oh well then alright!" She pecks me on the cheek. "Well, I have to get going if I don't want to be late to practice, see you tomorrow!" She waves goodbye as she runs out the room leaving the door open.
"Bye!" I call after her.
I shut the the door and let everything sink in. I think about what actually just happened and the possibilities of any of that not being my imagination. I rest my head in hands and let out a low sigh.
"It's all okay John, its just your imagination..your probably just paranoid a little bit, it is close to her funeral anniversary after all.." I say to my self, slightly feeling better as I start to believe the words I'm telling myself. After 5 minutes of lounging around, I get up and walk to the kitchen and start to prepare to make dinner.
[I hope this makes up for my last chapter being so short, even though its not that much, thanks for reading this chapter though]

ParanormalThe story is more about supernatural stuff also the chapters will be "numbered" or titled by the names of the characters narrating. If the stuff is bad it's because I wrote this in English class when I got bored, I just add upon it and make it as b...