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Phil texted me.
Phil: Hi, i'm ready to skype whenever you are ;p
Dan: Okay we can skype soon :)

Fuck man. I'm so nervous. I can't believe i'm finally going to skype my best friend.
I brushed my hair, put on an oversized Muse t-shirt, and set up my computer and webcam. Holy shit. I'm very nervous. I clicked on Phil's skype, AmazingPhil, and got ready to press call. I take a deep breath, and press the button.
It starts ringing. After the second ring, Phil picks up. I see a pixelated pale face with black hair. Then the video loads, and i audibly gasp. Oh god. He's even cuter in person.
Shit, i'm staring.
"Hi Dan." Phil says, smiling. "You okay?"
"Y-yes! I'm okay. I'm great. Just really fucking excited to finally be talking to you in person." I answer, blushing a little and stuttering my words. Phil laughs, and fixes his fringe. Lord, he's perfect. I've heard his voice before and i've always loved how deep and smooth it is, but high when he's excited or happy. I love his hint of a northern accent. Now seeing his face while he's talking to me is 10 times better.
"I'm excited too. Seeing your face while hearing your voice is weird, but nice." Phil tells me. I immediately look down and laugh nervously. "You're adorable."
He thinks i'm adorable?? Wow. Holy shit I love this boy he's my best friend.
"T-thanks, but no i'm not. You're the adorable one Phil." I reply, slightly blushing while smiling at him. "I wish i could meet you so badly. I bet you're even cuter in person." Shit! What if he thinks that's weird? "Er, uh-"
"Thanks Dan!" He cuts me off. "I bet you are too. We're only like.. 200 miles away from each other. But it's fine. I'm sure we'll see each other some day. I'd be willing to take a four hour train ride for you anyday." Phil tells me, slipping in a sly wink. "God that was bad, forget i did that. Just my attempt at comedy. Anyway i got you something and I'm
going to ship it to you for your birthday."
"You got me something? You didn't have to do that Phil." I tell him.
"Of course I did, you're my best friend." He replies happily. Wow, Having a best friend is great but also strange.

Fluttering Snowdrops - A Transgender PhanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now