Frank x Reader - I'm Actually Kind Of Glad I Was Stood Up

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I sat in the small cafe waiting for my date. He wasn’t usually that late, but this would only be our third time going out together, so I didn’t have much to build off of. He was still so new to me, and I currently couldn’t decide whether that was a good or bad thing. Especially in this situation, in which he has left me sitting in this dark cafe he insisted on going to, and having me sit here alone for ten minutes.

I checked my watch impatiently and saw the waitress coming around the corner. “Not again,” I thought to myself. About five minutes prior, she had come over, asking what I wanted. After telling her I was waiting for someone, she continued to request on me ordering even though he had not shown up yet. To that, I gave an abrupt, “I’d rather wait,” and sent her on her way. And yet, here she is even though I’m still alone.

I mentally prepared myself for the conversation about to happen, but she only walked past the table giving me a sympathetic look. “Is this what’s going to happen now,” I thought to myself. I glanced around realizing I was right. The elderly couple in the corner, the family of five at the booth, the vibrant college students. All were showing sympathetic faces.

I mentally cursed myself and began to gather my things when a short man, covered in tattoos wearing black jeans and a cream colored, long sleeve shirt, sat in the chair across from me. “Sorry I am late,” he said loudly, yet not obnoxiously. “Traffic from work was absolutely terrible. Please forgive me.”

I nodded, confused but trying to hide it. I slowly put my purse back down and slipped my coat off, trying to act casual. When the attention was drawn away from us and the sympathetic looks stopped, he quietly said, “My name is Frank. Do you want to just go with this? I was walking home and you obviously got stood up, so I decided to, uh… help.”
A smile crept on my face. I usually would have said no to an offer like this, considering I was quite shy and quiet, but in this case, I wanted to leave this cafe with some dignity. “Hi,” I responded with the gentle smile on my face. “I’m Y/N.”

This time he was smiling, as we began to talk. “Whoever stood you up is a jerk. If we were together, I would never do that.” He said, the grin turning somewhat mischievous, yet still staying genuine.

“Really?” I responded, blushing madly.

“Of course. I mean… no one in their right mind would stand up someone as…” he paused for a moment, seeming to be contemplating on whether to say what he was thinking or not. “...beautiful as you,” he finished, blushing violently and trying to hide his face.

I smiled even wider at his comment. Then, it dawned on me. “Won’t your girlfriend be mad about you saying that to some random lady?” I said, worriedly. Sure, if he had a girlfriend I would want him to know I am not going to be some ‘side chick’, or whatever, but I mainly wanted to know if he had a girlfriend.

“Yeah,” he said, killing my hopes with it. My face dropped. “My non-existent girlfriend will be pretty pissed that I’m here with someone else.”

I froze, mad, sad, and devastated. Suddenly, I realized what he just said. My smile came back onto my face, and so did his. We both laughed, and the waitress came to the table.

The whole time was spent chatting over cups of coffee. We talked about hobbies, books, movies, and music. The more I talked to him, the more I realized that I really was starting to like him. And, considering the fact that I had gotten a text from my ‘current boyfriend’ in the middle of the meet-up that simply said, “We’re over,” I was now single.
After roughly half an hour of talking, we both began to gather our belongings, and head outside. We went over to the parking lot where my car was parked. “Hey,” I said, the memory washing over me. “Didn’t you say you walked here? I could maybe… give you a lift home?” I asked slowly.

“Isn’t a gentleman like me supposed to give the lady a ride?” he asked in a silly voice.

“Not when the gentleman walks and has no car to drive in,” I responded quickly, in the same silly tone.

We both laughed, and he agreed. I discovered he didn’t live that far away, and after a short drive, it was time to go our own ways. “I actually had a really nice time,” he said. “I mean not to be weird or anything but… it was really, uh, fun.”

“Yeah,” I replied, not able to make eye contact. “Thank you for this. I mean… maybe we should, um…” I trailed off, not being able to bring myself to answer.

“Do this...a-again?” he finished.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, smiling widely. “Again! Just what I was thinking! We should do this again!”

We laughed and exchanged numbers. Right before he went to open the car door I blurted out, “I’m actually kind of glad I was stood up.”

He looked at me and we both laughed again. He got out and walked to his porch. I stayed to make sure he got into his house for I wanted to make sure he was okay. I backed out of the driveway and began to drive home. “Not a bad day,” I thought, smiling at the thought of Frank. “Not a bad day.”



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