Reconquest and Reconciliation

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"I will do what Queens do. I will rule.."

With the affairs of the capital put in good order, Daenerys atop Drogon began the restoration of order in the South. The Riverlands, secondary breadbasket to Westeros formerly under rule of House Tully allies to the dead Robb Stark and the North. With several support of major Riverlander houses, atop dragonback she easily acquired the allegiance of House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest, House Vance of Atranta, House Piper, House Ryger and many other minor houses in the region. By the time Drogon's shadow engulfed Riverrun, the castle garrison attempted to resist but quick destruction of the castle's eastern wall had them raise the white flag of surrender.

Lothar Frey, garrison commander, had been condemned to death for treason and breach of the guest right. He was betrayed by his men. When the captive Edmure Tully was brought to Great Hall, she was sat upon the Lord's Seat. His Frey wife and young son was to the side.

"Bend the knee Lord Tully and the treason of House Tully in the War of the Usurper shall be forgiven."

The man looked up to her with slight disdain in his eyes, "my allegiance is to House Stark, my nephews and nieces." He spat, she raised a hand to stop her guard from hitting the haggard looking man.

"When Aegon the Conqueror brought Fire and Blood to Harrenhal, it was Edmyn Tully who first raised his banners to join my ancestor. In return for loyalty, he was given the Paramountcy of the Trident and Riverlands. House Tully has been loyal servants to House Targaryen ever since, with the exception of Robert's Rebellion. Your House had no business to join the Rebels, King Aerys II did not commit crimes against the blood of Hoster Tully. Yet he still betrayed my father, his liege lord and King by striking his banners of loyalty to House Targaryen."

She gave a chilling stare to the disgraced lord, and stood from her seat. "I offer you a chance of redemption. I will not revoke your Paramountcy, your house has lost too much for me to inflict wounds. Bend the knee, be forgiven and redeem your Tully honour." She offered the lord her hand to stand, "Resist and House Tully shall join House Mudd in extinction." His eyes widened, mouth agape at the threat. In the corner, his wife was silently weeping as their son quietly played with a pet kitten.

He quietly nodded, "I accept. I, Edmure Tully, Lord of the Trident and Riverrun hereby pledge allegiance and fealty to Daenerys Targaryen, First of Her Name, Sovereign of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." He took her hand and slowly stood up.

"Get Lord Tully and his family better accommodations, a Maester, something to eat and proper clothes to wear." A healer took them away with a guard escort.

"Lord Jason Mallister, I appoint you as Warden of the Trident. You will be charged with keeping order in the Riverlands until Lord Tully is able to travel to the capital to formally be appointed." He bent the knee, "of course Your Grace," and he took his leave.

"Lords Blackwood and Bracken, end your feud and return to peace. Marry your children together to bind the houses closer. Resist my command, and I will rain Fire and Blood upon both of you." Both lords gulped in fear and nodded to her command.

"The lordship of Harrenhal assigned to Petyr Baelish by the previous reign of Usurpers is hereby declared null and void by royal decree. The Crown shall directly assume control over Harrenhal and lordship over its surrounding territories. Lordship of the Bay of Crabs is hereby reverted to Lord Tully for further consideration. Concerning the control of the Crossing and Frey lands, the crown shall assume direct lordship in perpetuity." She nodded to the castle Maester as she wrote down her words to be dispatched to King's Landing.

For the last decree, many of the lords made their dislike known in the hall. She raised an arm to silence them, "The Twins have too long become a danger point that would allow northern armies to enter the Riverlands. The Crown does not wish to continue see the Riverlands as a springboard for potential enemies to strike the capital. By establishing direct control, the Crown can ensure fair tolls imposed and smoother flow of traffic without bias. Seven thousand soldiers shall be marshaled from the Capital to garrison the Twins. Any who question royal authority shall answer to the Crown's Justice, my dragons."

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