Chapter 11: He's hot, and she's a great kisser

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Your POV

I look up to Natasha and nod. "What's first, Coach?" I said sarcastically and put my hands on my hips. "Run 5 laps, 5 times." The workouts that I had to do for becoming an Agent never had as much cardio. "So 25 laps? That's a lot of cardio, Nat..." I trailed off, looking into the future through a daydream and seeing the hell it would be. "Two things: I am training you the way I was trained even before I was an Agent, and two, it's coach today. Now run." I sighed and began running my laps.

It took forever, but finally, I finished all 25 plus an extra 5 for complaining. I couldn't breathe after the first 8 laps which is the extent of running I did as an Agent, but now, I am an Avenger, so everything is different. 

"Good, to catch your breath, do a wall-sit." Natasha began walking toward the door as I looked for a wall. "Wait! How many do I do, for how long, and where are you going?" She turned around with one hand on her hip. "You do one until whenever I tell you to stop. I am going to get some food for us. There are cameras in here so don't think about cheating because you're only cheating yourself." I looked around and sat down on the wall. She began walking away before I yelled again. "You won't be here to tell me to stop!" She waved her hand in the air. "I'll tell you when I tell you!" 

I sighed and continued sitting in the squatting position. After 2 minutes, I began to feel the burn. After 10 minutes, my legs were turning to jelly. I didn't know how much longer I could hold it, or how much longer it would be until she came back.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening filled my desperate ears. My eyes were squeezed shut in pain. It had been 27 minutes, according to the clock in front of me. "Nat! Please tell me that that's you." I slowly opened my eyes to a smiling Peter. "Nope... sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut again. "Damn... you... Peter... Parker." I groaned out in snippets of breaths. 

I heard him laugh. I opened my eyes and glared at him. My legs were physically shaking. "You can't handle a little wall-sit, darling?" He said sarcastically which only made me deepen the glare. "I've been in this position for 30.... fucking... minutes. His laugh dropped. "Holy- really?" I nodded. "I don't know how much longer I can last. Nat told me to stay in this until she told me to stop, and then she left. She still isn't back yet." Peter bent down to my level and grabbed my hands. "Peter, cameras." I reminded him.

"It's a friend encouraging you to push through." He smiled at me. I squeezed his hand. My legs' shaking intensified. My muscles were about to give out, and I was actually surprised that they had made it this long. "Y/n... you okay?" I shook my head. "My legs... definitely about to give out." 

I heard Peter mutter, "Screw the cameras." Then I felt his arm go under me and lifted me up. He relieved some of the pressure by allowing me to sit on his arm. "God... in this moment, I love you, Peter." My body froze, realizing what I just said. You can say that to a friend when they are doing something nice for you, but when you're dating someone and say something like that, it's different. I could feel Peter tense up too. I said it too soon. It was an accident, and it came out naturally. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. That freaked you out. I didn't mean like-" My words were interuptted by the sound of the door opening. Nat ran in with two bags of food. "You can stop." My legs collapsed, but Peter caught me from hitting the floor too hard. "Thanks, Peter." I leaned in to his chest, my breath heavy. Peter had one arm wrapped around my back. "Come get some food! You can have some too, Parker." He nodded and helped me stand up. I couldn't walk fully yet, so Peter was my support. 

It was a bag from Panera Bread. She handed me two salads, and Peter a salad. She had just a smoothie, and a bag of carrots. I didn't question it. I ate up the vegetables, not using any dressing because Nat wouldn't let me because it 'defeated the purpose of eating the salad' which did make sense, but the salad wasn't very enjoyable.

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