"Pitch the damn ball, Miller!" Jess yelled from the dugout
It was so close to the last day of school, the team could almost taste it. The team was on the diamond at the school, because it was during recess, Benny up to bat.
"I'm goin, Jess!" Tyler, the other teams pitcher, wound up his arm.
Benny looked over at Jess, then at Miller. He hit the inside of both of his shoes, then the home plate, then practiced swinging a few time.
Miller pitched, Benny hit the ball, and ran.
"Go, Go!" Many kids were yelling at Benny.
Jess looked into the field, noticing Benny running from base to base.
"Shit!" Jess yelled
"Just wait, Logan" Ham said, her waiting just outside the dugout.
Jess was such a fan of baseball, you could see her at any of the town games, and she even took playing it at recess serious, just like Benny.
Jess turned her attention to the game, noticing what was happening.
"Alex, Alex!" Jess yelled at Benny.
Alex had a signature move of whenever he got in a 'pickle', where he had to run in between 2 bases to avoid getting out, he would sike one baseman out and pretend to go to the other base, then slide home. It worked every time. Whenever anyone on the team got in a 'pickle', they would yell 'Alex!' to remind the person how to get out of it.
Benny did just as he was told, siking one baseman out and sliding to home.
Everyone in the dugout got out of their seat and threw their hands in the air, yelling and chanting.
Bent walked over to the dugout, smiling.
"That's how you do it, Benny man!" Jess yelled, putting her hands in the air for a high five
Benny smiled and quickly looked at the ground before highfiving Jess with both hands.
"You up?" Benny asked Jess
Jess just nodded, going up to home plate.
She grabbed the bat, swinging it a few times, before lightly hitting the insides of both her shoes, then she threw it in the air so it spun a few times, caught it with one hand, them hit home plate. She could here Benny scoff, and Ham murmur 'show off', and she smiled. She swung the bat a few times, getting in the perfect position.
"My heater?" Miller smirked, winding up his arm
"Give me your all, Miller" Jess smirked, looking him in the eye.
Miller pitched the fastest ball he could, Jess hit it past the home run fence, and she dropped the bat and ran from base to base, everyone in the dugout cheering with their hand in the air.
When Jess was in between 3rd and home base, she figured just start jogging, and clapped at the same time, yelling happily, everyone watching cheering for her.
"Nice Jess! Keep playin like that and you can make varsity!" Benny said, high fiving the girl.
Then, the bell rang, and everyone had to go inside.
Jess and Benny made their way inside, their next class being science. They only got one recess a day, and that was right after lunch. Honestly, they were lucky they even got one, them being 8th graders and all. Next year, in high school, they wouldn't have another one at all.
Jess went to her locker, grabbing her notebook and a pencil, setting her baseball cap in her locker. She was aloud to wear her cap around school, she just didn't want to.
Benny bumped her shoulder in the hall as she was walking to the class room.
"Oh, hey" She said to the boy
"Where's your hat?" He asked
Benny and Jess both had matching Dodgers hats, and pretty much wore them every where
"My locker." She shrugged.
Benny and Jess both entered the class first. Everyone had about 5 minutes in between each class to get everything and not be late.
Benny and Jess both sat 2 rows in front of the back, next to each other. The teacher wasn't even in the class yet.
Slowly, people started filing in, and class started. Today, they were just taking notes as the teacher wrote them on the huge chalk board at the front of the room.
Jess payed no attention, quickly scrambling to write down each note before the teacher erased them.
"Hey, uh, Logan" A kid whispered from behind Jess
Jess turned around to see no other then Will Philips, with Louis James cheering him on
Jess just rolled her eyes and turned back around, trying to write her notes.
From behind her, Philips grabbed her long black hair and tucked it behind her ear so he would whisper in it.
"You uh, did real good on the field today. Wonder what else your good at" Philips whispered, Louis snickering from beside him
Elle just moved her shoulder and untucked the piece of hair
"I'm surprised a girl even knows how to pick up a baseball" Philips snickered
Jess turned around to face the boy.
"If you ran your feet as good as you ran your mouth, maybe you'd actually be good at baseball" Jess whispered with venom laced through her words
"Y-Yeah? W-Well-" Philips stammered
"Mr. Philips, Ms. Logan, care to share with the class what is so important for the two of you to interrupt?" The teacher said
"Can I go to the bathroom?" Benny raised his hand and winked at Jess
"Yes, Benjamin, you may, but next time, please do it during your free period" The teacher sighed and went back to the notes.
Benny left and Jess went back to taking her notes, Philips backing off this time.
Finally, the end of school came.
"So... you gotta ride?" Jess asked, walking over to Benny's locker, leaning against one
"You?" Benny smiled and shut his locker
"Yup" Jess laughed and started down the hall next to Benny.
Jess and Benny both walked to the entrance of the school, there being no cars either of the two recognized
"You see-" Benny started
Then Alex's old Ford pulled up. A nice car really, and expensive. Benny and Jess both hopped in the back and they were off to home.

The Girl That Made Baseball
Fanfiction"How do I catch it?" Smalls asked "Just stand there, and stick your glove, out in the air" Jess said, pointing to the sky "I'll take care of it" she said, starting to run to home base ******************** Jess Logan isn't your average girl. She love...