"Quite a fancy place restaurant we're having dinner at tonight," Alex remarked as they waited for the waiter to come take their order. "Well, I've heard they have the best of the best, and you deserve only the best," Jace said with a teasing smile. "You're never going to stop doing that, are you?" Alex asked shyly with a hint of blush on his cheeks.
"Never stop doing what?" Jace asked with an innocent smile on his face. "The random compliments," Alex said with an appreciative look in his eyes. "Oh, that? No, I'll never stop. Well, maybe when I'm dead." Jace joked. "You know, you're lucky I love you, otherwise I might have killed you just to make you stop." Alex laughed.
Minutes rolled past and nearly three hours later, the pair paid the bill and headed home. Thunder rumbled overhead when Jace and Alex stepped out of the safety of the restaurant they had been having dinner at. "Do you think it will rain?" Alex asked thoughtfully as he investigated the sky. "Possibly, but that would only make our walk home even more fun." Jace teased.
"Thank you again for tonight. It was wonderful." Alex said and kissed Jace, pulling them both to a halt. "It is I who should be thanking you, my love. I am so lucky to have you." Jace said as he wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. "Oh, don't start with that again." Alex blushed. "What? I'm merely stating facts here." Jace teased. "It's getting late, we should get home." Alex changed the subject as a blush crept up his face.
A few blocks later, someone came rushing out of a nearby alleyway and nearly knocked Alex over. "What the?" Alex started before a pungent scent of burning skin and hair flooded his sense of smell. "Jace, do you smell that?" He asked to which Jace immediately nodded and gave a grimace. "I think I might throw up," Jace added.
"I'm going to check it out," Alex said as he walked toward the alleyway which the horrid smell had been originating from. "Alex, be careful. We don't know what's in there." Jace whispered closely behind Alex. "I know, but I need to know what it is." Alex countered.
Not very far into the alleyway, Alex discovered the source of the smell. In the center of the alleyway was a human body that had been seemingly dried out. "Jace, look at this," Alex said as his fingers traced over the dried-out skin. "There's only one thing capable of this. Vampires." Jace hissed in response.
"Help me with the body, please. We need to tell Lorraine about this." Alex said. "Good idea, but how are we going to carry a dead body through town, on foot, without being noticed?" Jace asked as he Alex lift the body. "Easy, we won't be walking. Auria taught me a 'teleportation' trick she learned from some centuries-old guild in London." Alex explained.
"Teleportation trick?" Jace asked with a quizzical look on his face. "Yes, it's not exactly teleportation, but it works similarly. You're going to want to hold on tight." Alex said as he closed his eyes. Jace tightened his hold on the body and closed his eyes as he felt the energy around him starting to contort.
When they opened their eyes, they were standing in front of The Academy. "Wow," Jace said as the tingly feeling he was experiencing receded. "Come on, let's find Lorraine," Alex said as they carried the body inside. "You know, I'd expect a dried out body to be lighter." Jace joked earning a slight glare from Alex, but the glare was soon replaced with a smile. "Not the time Jace," Alex said as he subdued his laughter.
They didn't have to search far to find Lorraine. She and a few of the other advisors were having a hushed conversation not too far from the entrance. When her eyes fell on Jace and Alex, she silently excused herself from the group and hurried over to Jace and Alex. "Jace, Alex, I've just been informed that there have been a few..." She paused as her eyes fell upon the corpse they'd carried in. "a few vampire killings." She completed her sentence with a sigh.

Alex Black: The Vampiric Uprising
FantasyJust as the dust finally started settling after the whole Thomas fiasco, a new wave of panic sweeps over the town. Strange, dried out human bodies as found all over town and there's only one plausible explanation; Vampires This is the third installm...