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After school, I went to go get some new glasses with my monthly allowance. I went off campus to go buy glasses. I was walking into the store I looked at the different pairs of glasses." This one looks lovely on you." The optician says. The glasses she chose was pink. I hated pink. "Oh do you have any black ones? Just plain black ones?" She nodded and gave me a pair of glasses, not fancy. Just plain. "How much?" I said. "120 please" I paid and I went back on campus.

Half way there I got a notification. I took out my phone: It was Emily. "Did you get the glasses?" She said. I was typing and suddenly bumped into someone as I was looking at my phone and not paying attention. "Oh ! I'm
So sorry!! Please excuse me!" I say politely. I looked up and it was someone I knew. He gave me an ice cold look - Noah. "W-What? Why are you here?" I ask in confusion. He stared at me in silence. "Hiding" he says.

[Jacklyn] What?

What was "hiding" meant to mean?

[Jacklyn] What do you mean by hiding?
[Noah] I'm skipping tomorrow. Skipping school.
[Jacklyn] Lol I wish I could do that.

I laughed. Suddenly he grabbed onto my arm and dragged me away from campus.

[Noah] Your wish is my command.

He said emotionlessly. I was surprise and confused. Why would he drag me into his mess? I'm a good student! Why am I missing class? I was going to fight my way out but I was scared in all honesty to what he would do to me this time. Break my leg? Twist my ancle? Break my jaw?

[Jacklyn] Stop!
[Noah] I thought you said you wanted to skip class.
[Jacklyn] I was joking!!

We finally reached an apartment. We enter and Noah takes me in. There was a boy there. "Sup N" brown haired boy says. He had dark green eyes. "Who's this?" Noah looked at me. "She's never skipped before." I look at the stranger and he looked shocked. "Why you so shocked?" I asked. I gave me a look. "Trust me, skipping is awesome. Noah stays here when he skips class. I'm Will nice to meet ya." We shook hands. "What's with the new glasses, shortie?" I didn't answer. Instead I looked away. "Who's asking?" Noah didn't answer and instead walked away. I decided to text Emily as she was really getting worried. She sent me texts like:


I call her and she ends up picking.

[Emily] Where are you?!
[Jacklyn] Noah is forcing me to "skip" with him.
[Emily] What? Noah? Omg

Later on I sat down on the bed and Noah came to join me. I looked at him and asked, "Do you have a lot of friends?" He replied, "Yes, but most of them are fake." He took out his phone and showed me a picture. "This is Laura. Laura Hazel." On his phone showed a beautiful girl with long wavy black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. "She's my girlfriend." I suddenly felt weak. I didn't know why. "Your girlfriend?" I asked, barely making out the words. "I met her before I was.. well bad I guess.." he says. I look down at the digital photo. He clenched his fist. "You've been through a lot?" I ask hoping he wouldn't turn me down. "Break ups and hard ache, sorrow and depression." I put my hand on his hoping it would make him loosen up a bit. "Every time I say we're over to her she keeps coming back." I felt like he didn't want to talk anymore so I left. Late that night I couldn't sleep. "Maybe he isn't all that bad" I kept telling myself.

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