"You Got This"
Leaving us without word, nothing left to say,
Mom and me are never going to forget that day.
Something must have hurt so bad and I simply turned my back,
There's so many things I want to say, but it seems the right words I lack.I never got to say goodbye or tell you that I care,
You must have felt all alone, desperate, hurt, and scared.
I wonder why you felt so bad that your pain engulfed your life,
I wonder if you thought of us, your daughter and your wife.
If I could go back in time and try to ease your pain,
I would dry all your tears when they fell like rain.
It must have been a place so dark that you could not see the light,
But here I am, your pain I feel, I cry myself to sleep at night.So Daddy please forgive me, I was only 15 at the time,
I didn't realize how lucky I was that you were all mine.-I♡You
Poetry♡ Description of the Book in a Poetic Form ♡ Baby when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear, Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here, I listen to your heart-beat in rhythm with my own, With every pound that warming sound, Keeps...