[ last night & a truce ]

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Last night, by the beach, under the stars, my shoes filled with sand, alcohol in my system, a light buzz in my veins, my head starting to swim.

Our friends, laughing nearby, Angela clumsily trips, Gabriel takes a hundred videos, Jemnah passes off shots, Chantal celebrates, John Nikko quietly drinks.

You sit next to me, a silly grin on your face, a drunken smile on my lips. I lean on you, our shoulders touch, my heart aches, we look towards the open ocean.

I turn to you, finding your gaze on me, your eyes full of secrets. My heart on my throat, yours on your sleeve, I give you a smile, "hey, it's going to be okay".

Something, settles between us, a heavy silence, unspoken words, hidden glances, perhaps a future, but not now.

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