Hi my name is Payton Elder I'm 2 years old I'm a boy I have blonde hair and blue eyes and today is adoption day at the orfange and I hope I get picked I get dressed and make my way down stairs Miss. lee told me that a lady in her young 20's was coming to adopt today
I hope she picks me every one from ages 2-6 lines up and she slowly walks down the line she has pretty red hair and a pretty face too
She stops when she gets to me
"Hi buddy what's your name" she said gently tickling my tummy
" hi Payton I'm Madelaine would you like to hangout with me in the meeting room"
"Yes ma'm"
" oh baby you can just call me madzs ok"
"Ok sorry" I said and we walked into the room
We played for almost an hour until Miss. lee walked in
" we need you to make your decision now "
"Ok, Payton do you want to come home with me"
"Um yes please maddy"
"Alrighty little one how about you go pack up your stuff while I sign the papers"
"Ok madzs" I said and walked up the stares"
Madelaine's POV
While Payton was getting packed I signed the paperwork
" do u happen to have a cute picture of Payton"
"Yes ma'm do you want me to send it to you"
"Yes please"
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I set it as my background
" aww he was so cute and tiny"
"He's so sweet y'all are gonna have a ball"
"Is he like afraid of anything" I asked reading his file
" he doesn't like to be left alone and he hate thunderstorms because that's how he lost his family in a tornado just make sure if there's ever a thunderstorm don't leave him alone"
"Ok I won't" just as I said the I Heard a thud I stepped out of the room to see Payton laying on the stares crying
" aww baby what happened" I said picking him up rubbing his back
" I ell" he said crying harder into my shoulder
"let madzs see baby we'res it hurt" I sai kissing his temple as he ponted to his knee
"Here let me kiss it make it all better" I said he put his leg up I kissed it and it left a lipstick stain
"Are u ready bud"
"Yes please"
"Alright let's go" I said as I walked out to the car Payton has his head in the crook of my neck
I put him in his car seat kissing his head
Wen she got home I looked back to see him asleep
I got him out still asleep and went straight up into my room with him asleep on me he started to open his eyes slightly and let out a wine
" shhh..shhh..go back to sleep baby I'm here" I said kissing his head
"Yes baby"I said tearing up
" you want your pacifier?" I asked he just nodded into my chest his eyes still closed
I put the pacifier into his mouth and trued to face time Lili
After about 2 rings she picked up
L:hey madzs were is that baby boy
I tilted the phone to look at my chest to we're he was laying
L:aww he is so sweet
M: I know I love him I know it's early but he just called me mamma for the first time