So remember when I told Harleen I had like five hundred dollars or something. Well I gave her two-fifty cause she asked for some. And Klara K. Mitch looked at me and whispered something in Jay's ear.
(That's what I'mma call wave cause I dont know her real name.)
I looked at Harleen and told her to get the food at Burger King. "Get what the boys want and what we want" I said. She nodded and left.
Klara POV
I bit my lip at the site of Skylar. She was sexy as fuck. Me and Jay wanted her to be our baby since we were in a relationship.
I'm changing Skylar and Harley characters
Harley is gonna be my @iamyellaa
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This is Skylar she FIIIIINE
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Pretend they look alike
We walk out for the finally game and it's Wildstyle. Nick set the game up as Chris roasts Emanuel.
But got a buzzer "Nigga you can't be talking 'bout me when you know that you fell down that Chimney."
(True story I actually fell down a chimney dUdEwhErEsThEbLow I texted her right after)
I snicker but it stops once Skylar and Harley step up "Bitch I know that you cannot be talking when you when you go to run you say you moonwalk." Harley said.
"And you roasting my brother but I just to say this... Can you please turn around and sayless." Harley said. "Jay I just got one thing to say can you please look da otha way cause your breath not is ok aye." Skylar said.
"And k Poof be gone your breath is to strong,I don't mean to be mean but you need Listerine, not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole fucking bottle, bitch." She said
"Aye yo DC come here uglyahhhh lil boy Look here Not worried boutchu I'm making my cash you niggas is trash I might just go spaz." She said "I been do this shit since I was six I work for me and y'all work for Nick." She said as the finally bell ring it was 12-8. I know it don't make sense but it was the best I could do
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Skylar's POV
I laugh as we won. Me and Harley walk backstage and sit in our chairs. We talk then she flips her rainbow hair and looks behind me.
I shrug it off until she walks away and I feel someone come up behind me. I tense up and get ready to fight until I see it's Jay and Klara.
I breathe out and smile as I look back they whisper something to each other.
"Wanna come to the pool party with us Skylar?" Klara Asks
I nod and grab my swim suit and change in the bathroom. I have Harley take a picture of me.
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"You look cute girl" Harley says
"Thanks. Are the boys going?"
She shakes her head no "they not going neither am I" she says. I hug her and and put a t shirt over my bathing suit. I run and get in the car with the guys.
I slip and fall but get up and get in the car. Emanuel tries to hold back his laughs but can't so I smack him on the back of his neck.
"DAMN SKY" everybody yells I raise my eyebrow and look around waiting for someone to say something else.
Jay's POV
Me and Klara get in the car and peck each other's lips we wonder why everybody is silent as Skylar plays on her phone.
I look around and speak "damn why everybody so silent" and DC shows me a video.
1:03 is what the slap sound like
I cringe at the video and look at Skylar and laugh. She looks up and mugs the fuck out of me. I tilt my head at her and sit next to Klara.
"She's testing me" I mumble to Klara as she smiles.
"Just wait" is all she says.
Time skip biiiiiitch
Skylar POV
I smile and get out the car. I hug DC and jump on his back while smiling. He grips my thighs and walks into the pool. Klara and Jay mug DC as we swim in the pool together I don't know why.
I get in DC shoulders and stand up then I fall over. Hitting the pool hard as I gasp for air sinking deep. Sinking deep feeling the air enter my lungs. I fight for air trying to come up when I feel pain in my chest. I pass out.
Omniscient POV
As Skylar was drowning, nobody paid attention until they saw kicking. Then Klara jumped in the water and pulled her out as Jay performed CPR on, pushing her chest down. And giving mouth to mouth. Skylar woke up and threw up all the water she had in her system. She started beating her chest as she was coughing. She looked around and saw everybody but had her eyes focused on Jay and Klara.
She smiles and gives them both a hug and a kiss..................................... On the cheek as she thanks them so much for saving her.
"Your welcome" Jay and Klara say in unison
Skylar smiles, and asks if she could take them out for saving her. They nod and she runs and dries of putting on her t-shirt and she walks over to them. And tells them to come to the car, they get in the car and Skylar drives to her house. Klara and Jay look at each other.
"I brought y'all here cause I'm gonna cook something for us to eat, oh don't worry their aren't here." Skylar says
Klara and Jay smirk at each other. They walk in the house as Skylar walks and takes her shirt off, leaving her in her bathing suit as she looks at them.
"Y'all can sit down if y'all want to just not in the white couch sit on the black ones" she says as she cuts on some music. At the top she starts sing as she goes and cooks she sings Selena's verse.
"DJ Snake Careful when you come through my way My body already know how to play Work it, keep it tight every day And I, I, I know you need a taste When I ooh, you're fallin' in love Give a little ooh-ooh, get it well done Dancing on my ooh, make your girl wanna run We keep moving 'til the sun come up Porque I am the party, yo soy fiesta Blow out your candles, have a siesta You can try pero no one can stop me What my taki taki wants, yeah, my taki taki gets, uh"
She says. As Klara and Jay watch her in shock they never knew she could sing.
"Báilame como si fuera la última vez Y enséñame ese pasito que no sé Un besito bien suavecito, bebé Taki taki Taki taki, rumba" she sings as she cuts the stove off done with the chicken, mash potatoes, and a side of *licks lips* pussah I'm playing but with a side of greens
Klara and Jay look at each other as they run like little kids to get their plates.
They smile as Skylar hands them their plates. She smiles and prays as Jay and Klara share a quick kiss making Skylar feel a bit jealous as she feels her face being lifted up by her and chin and two kiss place on her lips. One by Jay and one by Klara she smiles and blushes, looking down as she eats.
Skylar POV
I smile and out my plate in the sink grabbing the two empty plates. Honestly I think I have a crush on her and Klara wait that can't be possible I don't like girls I like Boys. I look at them as I call them up.
"So y'all wanna go up to my room and do something" I say
They smirk "Y'all to motherfuckin nasty" I say as I throw a ball at Jay "c'mon" I say walking up the stairs.
Ten minutes later
I smirk at Skylar as she picks dare and Klara looks at me. "I dare you to make out with Jay" Klara says as Skylar rolls her eyes and crawls over to me slowly pushing me back, as she straddles me. She slowly rubs her hands down my arms as she flips her hair, and slowly leans down kissing me passionately rubbing on my arms as we start to make out my tongue exploring her mouth slowly. Two minutes later she pulls off, as everybody in the room has lust in their eyes.