Chapter 14

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We all decided to go to Brent's house after we got out of detention. (more like broke out huehue) I collapsed on his couch and exhaled. "I was going to say make yourself at home but it looks like you already did." He said in a joking tone. I laughed and rolled onto the floor where Ashley sat. "Ashlehhhh." I said, poking her.  "Whaaat?" She groaned. "I'm hungry." She rolled her eyes. "Go ask Brent for some food, he seems to have enough." She replied, gesturing to the kitchen. I turned to see Brent pigging out on a party sized bag of Ruffles. When he met my gaze he looked down at the bag and then his eyes went wide. "Give me those chips, Brent." I growled, slowly walking towards him. He shook his head. "C'mon I'm hungry." I whined, pouting. He started running away. I broke out into a sprint and began chasing him. He rushed around the corner, dove behind the couch and ran into a room. I mimiked his actions. I flew into the room I saw him enter, adrenaline pumping. "Come out, come out." I taunted. I heard shuffling from a closet and smirked. I stealthily walked over and too a big breath before yanking the door open. It was...empty? "Got you!" I was tackled to the floor. Opening my shut eyes I saw none other than Brent. "I the almighty cat have caught the mousy!" He exclaimed in victory. I squirmed under his grip but he held on tight. "Yeah, yeah." I muttered. "But I still think you owe me those chips." He raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Is that so?" I nodded. "I didn't get lunch." "Hmm, fair enough." He grabbed a chip from the bag beside me, that I just now noticed, without releasing his hold and then popped one in my mouth. I almost started choking on it which caused him to burst out into laughter, falling over. I glared at him and took this as my oppourtunity, grabbing the chips and running out.

By the time Brent came back, me and Ashley finished half the bag and the movie BeetleJuice was already 5 minutes in. "So nice you could join us, now sit down!" Ashley demanded.


"Don't you dare open that door!" I screeched at the televison. By now it was midnight and we'd watched about 4 movies. Somewhere along the way we stopped to make popcorn and get blankets.

"Shes going to open the door." Ashley confirmed, shoving Snickers into her mouth. I brought my knees up to my chest and snuggled into the blanket that all of us were eloped in on the couch. Sure enough the girl opened the door and a scary face popped up, murdering her grusomly making me flinch. I glanced at Brent and Ashley who were watching intently with amusment. Sickos..

When the movie ended I stood up. "How do you weirdos enjoy this stuff?" Ashley shrugged. "The thrill." I nodded but didn't agree. Just then the doorbell rang. Probably a trick or treater. "I swear to God if its another one of your fans in a 'revealing costume' I will puke." Ashley grimanced. I chuckled and got the door. Outside stood a shivering Taylor in her volleyball uniform, only a tank top and athletic shorts. "Taylor? Come in your going to freeze." She only nodded and stepped in. Closing the door behind her I asked, "What are you doing here?" She sat down on the couch. "I saw you guys get out of detention, thought I'd join you guys." She said. "That was hours ago." Ashley chimed in. Taylor sighed. "Now was the only time I could get over here, and I was wondering..." I raised my eyebrows. She reached into the duffle bag she had with her and pulled out some egg cartons. "Whos up for egging Melissa's house?" I smirked at Ashley and Brent who had big grins on their face's. "Lets go."



I swept down the sidewalk, egg carton in hand. We were all wearing the dark cloths Brent let us borrow. "How do you know where she lives?" I whispered. Taylor leaned in. "Being friends with Alexis has its perks." I nodded and we moved out.

We stood in front of Melissa's house. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say house? I meant MANSION! This place was huge! We all just stood there for a second, gawking in awe. I snapped out of the trance. "I'm surprised no ones egged this place yet, she has so many enimies." I muttered. "More fun for us." Ashley grinned. I nodded. "Okay guys, we need to get every part of this house, leave nothing spotless." "Oooo!" Taylor chimed in. "Don't be afraid to hit hard, her family is always out at parties on holidays anyway. They won't hear a thing." Brent and Ashley gave us a mock salute. "Well?! What are we waiting for?!" Ashley ripped open the carton and flailed it at the grand door, splattering yolk everywhere. I laughed and flung one at a window. Before we knew it eggs were flying like bullets. I hit two windows, the door, and a balcony. And trust me, the others wern't hesitating either. "Hey Brent!" I called to him from across the lawn. He turned and I threw an egg at him, cracking all over his head. I couldn't stifle my laughter and bursted out into fits of giggles. He got mad and threw one at me. Oh, this was war. I shot one at him but missed, hitting a stone wall in the backdrop. He thought this was hilarious of course. He tried throwing one at me but accidently hit Ashley. His as went wide as she stomped over to him and smashed her own onto his hair. "NO! NOT MY HAIR! Daz wrong! MHMMMMM." We began getting EACHOTHER instead of the house, but with our bad aim we actually did hit it a few times. One egg went down the chimney. "Hey guys." We turned to Taylor who was trying to get a hold of the situation. She pulled some toilet paper out of her jacket and smirked.



"Incoming!" Brent screamed, stringing toilet paper along a tree. I laughed and skipped around, spreading it all across the lawn. The house was offically wrecked. And so were we. We even wrapped Brent in the TP like a mummy. It was fun. We sat back admiring our work, but I guess we forgot about being sneak and our time limit. Because when a car pulled into the driveway, head lights flashing, I froze. We are so screwed. 

(A/N Omfish! Are they gonna get busted? Or nahh? huehue Well cliffhanger hahaha Sucks4you lel Anyway I luffz u all! BYYE)


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