Chapter 24 - Of My Dreams

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Brooklyn's POV

I opened my eyes and sighed. The clock read 11AM.

"Damn...I've slept for wonder that one dream felt so real..." I say rubbing my eyes.

His body felt so real against my skin, now waking up alone just felt heartbreaking.

It just made me feel invisible, knowing no one was in my apartment.

My old apartment.

I lay back down in my bed in agony. I wanted that dream to be so real, but it wasn't.

He was out there, and he wasn't lying. Or at least I think so.

I sit up and look outside. Los Angeles was busy of course, but the sky was different. It wasn't a sky blue, more like a teal, a bit darker.

Then a light flashed across the sky.

I gasp as I realize what I need to do. I hurriedly change my clothes and put my hair into a messy bun before running out of the door.

I get into my car as I speed down to the coffee shop. I walk inside to see people, but Mitch was no where to be found.

I felt a rush of sadness as I got in line for coffee. I wait for the man to hand it to me, and I thank him as I turned around and bumped my coffee into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I say grabbing napkins.

"Stuff happens right?"

It was all too real. I looked up at the man and our eyes locked on each other's.

"Brooke?" He asks.

"Well this is different." I thought.

"Mitch..." I say and smile.

"Y-You are...oh my god." Mitch covers his mouth.

"Care to sit and we'll talk about it?"

He nods. "Well let me get you another coffee." He says and orders it, and the barista hands me a new coffee. We walk towards the table, the one we sat at in the dream.

" had the same dream as me huh?" I ask.

"If it involved us getting married and meeting here, then yes."

"I don't know what to say."

"I think I do."

"Okay...go ahead."

"If the dream is real, maybe we shouldn't alter it. So like this for example wasn't in the dream."

"On the contrary, maybe we could make it better."

"You're still with Liam."

"Texted him this morning and called the police on my way down here."

"Brooke. Altering the dream."

I got frustrated and the music begins to get louder in the shop.

Come To Me was playing.

Mitch realized it too. I could see his face light up.

"Mitch...I love you. It's surreal to say that because we just met in real life but that dream made me fall harder for you than any other drean. I don't care if we alter it, because you are right here in front of me, and as long as we are together...then I think we'll end up together."

Mitch bites his lip in thought then sighs. "I love you too Brooke."

"Then can we make this work?"

He presses his lips onto mine and I was in shock, knowing that this isn't a dream, I kissed back and pull away.

"Feels even better in person huh?" He asks and I giggle.

"Come to me my sweetest friend, can you feel my heart again?" I sing and he laughs.

"You're such a goof."

"I'm your goof."

He smiles. "You're the girl of my dreams."

I blush. "And you're the guy of my dreams...forever."


Epilogue will be up tomorrow!

Thanks for Reading!

Much Love❤


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