Shadow where are you? Oh hi my have you seen my son umm he hid behind the fridge oh no no no no is he stuck get Leo shadow Leo help mommy help me mommies coming shadow you must be careful okay the baby's coming ( 10 hours later ) * heavy breathing * it's out my baby girl she so pretty she has my mothers eyes ( five years later ) mommy can I play with shadow sure sweetie yay umm shadow will you play with me okay Babe you can go sit on the bed or you can play with us if you want * shadows girlfriend * all she is a brat * shadow * NO SHE IS NOT ALL YOU ARE IS A BRAT YOU CHEATED ON ME AND PRETENDED THAT YOU DIDN'T YOU SLUG GET OUT !!!!!(10 years later shadow found a new girlfriend and died his hair ) aww she so cute I'm 10 can you stop please okay only because you asked nicely
Can I see your Clothes Sasha
Umm sure