Not Now

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just stepping out of the club getting drunk friends home they are all in the car asleep and your here getting kidnaped. Great way to end the day.(not the sarcasm)

so my friends are sleeping my mates gone home with his drunk friends so i am left to get my old kick boxing skills out, great i never what to fight but hey i have to 

getting stuck like this isnt as fun as it seems, wait it never seems fun either so yay

of it took 4 out of the five men to get me in the van and hold me still, aparentally they are not allowed to knock me out because thats what they where told to do.

after a half an hour drive i get taken out and chucked over a sholder. great just great

so that was swell until they tied me to a chair then left me there with one guy to talk to.

"hello" i say cause im bored and obiously not going anywhere

"hi" he says back short and sharply

"can we talk im bored??  Please" i said draging one the 'e'

"Fine" he said after a minute of contemplation

"Yay! Ok lets start whats your name?"

"Christan. but people call me Chris"

"Cool, i think ill call you Cherry"

"ok if you want to"

"so do you do this oftern?"

"no this is the first time"

"kidnapping someone?"

"no talking to a kidnaped person"

"Oh well im honnered, I think"

he stiffened as the door opened to reaveal his alpha

i couldnt see the alpha really well but i could notice he seemed farmiliar

Chris left as soon as the alpha stood in the room

he showed his face

is it him it cant be no no no

it one of my mates Band members


hey yall i hope you liked it

im sorry if all my chapeters are really short but i just dont really have many ideas or good things to put in each chapter to make them longer

xoxo dreamers

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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