t h r e e

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Everyone who could run fled at once. Like a flock of doves scared by the scream of a hawk, as autumn leaves driven before the wind, the multitude dispersed.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?" Bash asks Noah.

"Yep," Noah said. He gently presses a button on his neck, concealed by his blonde curls. A silver suit engulfs him and he lifts off the ground.

Bash's eyes grow wide as the ship crashes. The Earth shakes fearfully and people scream loudly.

"What's happened!?" Ben tells over the crowd, running out onto the balcony. Shantal, Natalie, and Thomas appear behind him.

"Wait..." Bash says.

There was an enormous explosion. It was as though a fist of orange flame had decided to punch its way out of the Earth. Windows shattered. Smoke and fire rushed out. Thousands of pieces of glass and steel, a deadly rainfall, showered down. Alarms - shrill and deafening- erupted. A huge bite had been taken out of the ground. Luckily, Bash shielded them with a large wall of ice.

Noah flies away to evade the explosion. Then, he sees that Dia was barely hanging off the building.

In an instant, he flies down, picks her up with ease, and flies away.

"Why didn't you go with the others!?"

"I don't know, Noah, how are you in Silver's suit!?"

"How did you know I was Silver?"

"You literally turned into him in front of everyone. I was too sidetracked to run."

"You're a fan?"

"Noah, there are literally people dying and there was a massive explosion, you want me to answer that now?" She narrows her eyes on him. He nods. "Yeah, I'm a fan."

This came as a surprise to Silver. Having "super-powers" went against some people's religions. The Rebels were discriminated against for things they couldn't control. And even if you don't have any powers, merely siding with those who do makes you a "sadist."

"Oh, my God," Shantal breathes out. "We don't have our suits, what do we do?"

"They're in the tower... wait. Thomas, can you do me a favor?"

Thomas' head perks up. He was already somehow in his suit.

"Go grab our suits from The Rebel Tower. Do you know where it is?"

"Of course!"

In a blink of an eye, they were all in their suits, prepared to fight.

Shantal shivers in disgust, "Did you-"

"Still getting used to that," Nat mumbles.

"How do you have my suit?" Ben asks.

"It's an enhanced version of yours. But, I felt that it was too good for you so I kept it," Bash said nonchalantly.

They hop off the balcony, Silver floating overhead, Dia in his arms.

"You can put me down now, I should probably get to safety," Dia clarifies. She fearfully looks at the ground.

"Nah, I like this."


"Silver!" He hears someone yell from under him. It was Ben or Falcon. "Get her to safety."

"Darn it," he groans.

As the dust clears, they realize that the ship doesn't have a scratch on it. What was that explosion from?

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  "We should go investigate! Silver, come back!" Bash demands.

  Annoyed, Noah reluctantly flies back to the group. Bash noticed Dia in his arms and his eyes brightened.

  "They don't know that you know my true identity, okay?" Noah whispers.

  "As long as you tell me who they really are, my lips are sealed."



  "Who's with you?" The Captain asks as Silver lowers to the ground.

  "She was about to fall and I saved her-"

  "Have her leave, it's for her safety," Falcon demands.

  "The building is already evacuated and it would take Silver too long to deliver her home."

  "I live a few minutes away-"

  "It would take Silver too long to deliver her home," he repeats himself.

  "I live really far away," she corrects herself.

  "You want to endanger the life of an innocent civilian?"

  "She's safe here with us. That's our job, right? Help people, not push them away."

  "We are helping her by pushing her away. Whatever's inside of here could be deadly-"

  "She'll stay by me."

  "I will not allow it," Pure hatred laced Falcon's words.

  "Newsflash, Sweetheart, I don't need your permission," The Captain steps up to him.

  "She should leave," Scarlet Despair (Natalie) decides.

  "We can protect her, though," Titan said.

  The four turn to Silver and X-Static. "Don't look at us!" They say in unison.

  "Do I have a say in this-" Dia asks but is quickly interrupted by Falcon.

  "Would you use your brain for once!?"

  "It's funny you say that. How many Ph.D.'s do I have?"

  "You're such a nuisance!" Falcon snaps.

  "Look who's talking!" The cap snaps back.

  "I'll keep her safe," Silver sighs in defeat.

  X clicks his tongue before saying, "You guys really have some problems you need to figure out."

  Cap glares into Falcon's eyes as he turned to walk to the ship. He notices that there was a hand-scanner.

  He curiously placed his hand on the thing.

  "D E N I E D."

  "It was worth a shot," he shrugs.

  "I literally hope you die," Falcon mutters.

  "Lemme try," Noah shoves past them. He hesitantly places his hand on the scanner.

  "D E N I E D."

  "What if I went really fast and like, vibrated through the door? Like in that show Flash," X said.

  "Try it," Falcon said.

  He places his hand on the door. His hand moves quicker than the blind eye could see but no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't allow him in.

  Falcon places his hand on the scanner.

  "S T A T E  N A M E."

  His eyes widen, "Erm..." he glances back at Dia, "Falcon?"

  "D E N I E D."

  "What if I shrunk the door?" Titan suggests.

"So... what's your name?" Scarlet asks bitterly.

"You're the Scarlet Despair! I'm a huge fan," She fangirls.

"What?" She asks, dumbfounded.

"I'm Dia Jordan, I'm a huge fan of your work. If I'm being honest," she whispers, "You'd have to be my favorite superhero."

"Really?" Her cheeks heat up.

"Uh-huh," she assures.

  "Is something supposed to happen?" X mumbles awkwardly.

  Silver nods, "It's supposed to shrink but..."

  "It won't shrink!" Titan wails.

  "I don't understand," Falcon said.

  "Must be some weird alien shit that's immune to my power," she folds her arms over her chest.

  "I'll give it a try," Scarlet said. She steps up and presses her hand to the scanner.

  "D E N I E D."

  "Wouldn't it be funny if I tried it and it actually worked?" Dia chuckles sarcastically. Cap glances back at her in anticipation. She shrugs and places her hand on the scanner.

  "S T A T E  N A M E."

  "Dia Jordan."

A beam of blue light glares into her eye. She freezes anxiously. It disintegrates and the door groans, slowly sliding open.

"Holy shit."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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