Chapter One

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It had been only a few hours since the last Trident Class assault ships had been destroyed and the Battle of Kamino was over. Flint and his squadron of ARF troopers were resting in one of the hangars as medics checked for wounded. Commander Blitz of the Rancor Battalion was at the edge of the hangar standing in front of two bodies on the ground with large sheets covering them. ARC troopers Hammer and Cards were walking over, their eyes catching the sight that stood in front of Blitz. "Sir, who did we lose?"

"Apparently Colt and Havoc were both killed in the battle. Havoc was in this hangar and shot, but Colt was killed by one of the enemy general's by saber. The Battalion itself had moderate causalities." Blitz responded with a somber tone. Blitz looked up to look at the two troopers, his eye drawing towards Card's completely black armor. "I'll be asking what General Ti wants regarding to our placement in the galaxy. Just get ready to deploy soon." The two troopers nodded and walked off.

Flint looked around and saw the two ARC troopers walk away as Blitz took one last glance at the two covered bodies and also walked away in a different direction. Flint's DC15S laid in front of him on the ground as he looked to his left. "I wonder what they were talking about. Does anyone have a possible idea?"

"Probably just discussing what exactly happened today. If we failed at defending our home today, who knows what would have happened afterwards." One of Flint's squad members, Lantern answered. He stood up and grabbed his DC15A to check on it briefly. "We've faced a lot recently but this was just unbearable."

"Unbearable but we won! Can we at least enjoy our victory for now? I am in no rush to go fight another division of droids just this moment." Another squad mate, Athens said back. "A major battle like this calls for a small rest." "Rest? Who knows how many more ships they are preparing for another attack against Kamino or a Republic affiliated world that they may be able to overwhelm. We cannot simply decide to take a break when we see that they have the ability to launch fronts like the one we faced!" The last squad member known as Grasp responded to Athens's statement.

"You need to calm a bit, Grasp. The heat of battle may not affect you but it is affecting the rest of us." Athens told Grasp. "Maybe you need to get your alertness raised to a higher level Athens because where will you be when another Separatist fleet appears above this planet's skies?" Grasp increased the volume of his voice and stood up.

"Both of you, calm down. We don't need to be fighting right after what just happened. I'm sure we will be deployed again soon but I don't know where. We can only hope that wherever it is, it is not as bad today." "I agree." Lantern answered. As Grasp was about to prepare a statement to defend himself, a message came over the overhear speakers in the hangars. "Rancor Battalion to Sector 5's Hangar Bay. Prepare for boarding of the Acclamator, Firestorm." Flint looked around at his squad mates and motioned to get up. Flint picked up his DC15S and led his squadron out of the hangar they were currently in and in the direction towards Sector 5.

He saw other squadrons and even divisions worth of clones of Rancor Battalion start walking with him towards the hangar. After passing several small tents of wounded clones, they reached the hangar where Commander Blitz and a few ARC troopers stood behind him, looking at all of the clones. Floating in between the towers of Tipoca City was the Acclamator ship that was mentioned in the announcement with multiple LAAT gunships in the hangar. As Flint's squad reached the end of the hangar and the Rancor Battalion units continued marching up behind them. Blitz motioned for a stop and got the attention of everyone.

"Attention Rancor Battalion! I am sure that most of you are aware but just to notify all of you, Commander Colt and ARC Trooper Havoc were both killed in the battle. I am now the Commander of this battalion and have been told by General Shaak Ti that our battalion will be transferring to Sullust. I want ARF units and ARC units to get on the LAATs first as I want to discuss our goals and battle plan. Everyone else, board a LAAT and get ready for the journey. Disperse!" Blitz shouted. Flint led his squadron towards the same LAAT that Blitz was walking towards and went up next to him.

"Lieutenant Flint here. My ARF squadron is ready, sir." Flint told him.

"I can see that, Flint and that is great. Once I get all the ARF units together I will announce our battlefront plans." Blitz told him. In the LAAT, three other ARC troopers boarded onto it. Hammer and Cards were two of the ARCs, but a new ARC in green painted armor boarded as well named Evergreen with a unique striping pattern down the helmet and chestplate.

"I can already tell this is going to be a interesting battle." Athens joked as the LAAT took off and went in the direction of the Acclamator's hangar area. The preparations for battle had begun.

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