4. getting along

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I looked back and it was Shinso. His purple hair down in an over sized jacket, his hands tucked into the pockets.

"Yeah. Shinso, right?" I questions. He nods.

"What ya' doing up?" He asks.

"Cant sleep. Um. You?"

"Im a cat. Im mostly nocturnal"

"Oh...your just watching TV?"

"Ehhh. Kinda was lost in thought. But, anyway, why cant you sleep?" I ask getting up.

"Thinking to much. Not really being tired. Im kinda of a insomniac"

"Oh. Hmm...want some water or somthing?" I ask. I started walking to the kitchen as he follows.

"Sure" he shurgs sitting at the bar. I go into the fridge.

"Fucking bright" I hissed turning the frgides light off. I look around. "We have water bottles, milk, soda, and...something Deku and kiri drinks all the time"


"K" I shurg grabing one for him and grabing a soda for me. We drink and talk for a bit.

"So, why dont you sleep in class?" He asks.

"Im fine with getting detentions and shit but, I rather not becuase I was sleeping" I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my palm.

"What do you even do in detention?"

"Depends. What you do? Like, I slept in class once and when I woke up because Bakugo yelled at me to, I fell from my chair and scratched Momos shirt. I was in detention and had to wright 'I wont sleep in class' 100 times on the board then earse it. Then do it 10 more time. Meaning I wrote it 1000 times. Another time I pranked Aizawa really badly and during detention I had to clean the desks and help clean the cafeteria with a kid I hated because he also got detention" I shruged. He nods.

"Huh" he mummnled and looked up at me. "I feel like were pretty similar" he says and finished his water.

"Yeah. Want another?" I ask. He shurgs not caring. I got a smaller one that he could probaly finish before we go to sleep at sone point. "So. What else? Like. What were you thinking about to make you not be able to sleep?"

"Just...slightly paranoid, dont, dont worry about it" I chukle and smile at him.

"For someone who doesnt want to make friends, your pretty sociable to me" I say and a smirk formed on my face.

We talked for the next hour or so before we both got tired. We went to our rooms and at least I know I fell asleep.

When I wake up I of course get ready for school and sit in the living room lightly licking my bandges on my wrist not wanting it there but not being able to scratch it from my other arm from my hand being bandged. Kiri came down with a dressed Bakugo as he still had a huge cast on his leg and crutches.

"Bitch" bakugo hissed mad at me. We both still had our bandges and stuff on of course.

"Not a female dog asshat"

"Pussy" he hissed.

"And Im not you"

"Yeah you are what you eat"

"Wow. So, your gay because your a bag of dicks, Sparky"

"Eh-" he froze up slightly trying to think of a comeback but just staied quite.

"Yeah shut up fucker"

"Fuck off!"

"No you"

"Shithead!" I was about to comment but I felt a hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh. Calm down" Todo says in my ear softly. My ears flatten ontop my head at the sudden hot and cold breath in my sensitive ear.

"whatever" I hissed. I stood up. "At least I dont need help walking" I said and started to leave.

"I can still explode your ass!!" Bakugo hissed as we all leave. During our little fight they all came out. I felt eyes on me ad me and Bakugo aruge and insult each other while going to class.

~time skip~

It was lunch time know. I knew once we walked into the cafeteria, a certain blond from class 2B (the kids from 1B in the anime) will start making fun of us and ask if we already had a villian attack our 'perfect' class. Fucker makes me want to punch his throat.

We go inside the cafeteria and just as I predicted, but instead of villians he had hurd we fought. Apparently everyone physically herd the fight and saw it out the windows. Monoma was in mine and Bakugos faces saying how he couldnt believe that the strongest ones had a fight, and it ended up being somewhat of a tie becuase they pulled us apart.

I grabed his collar pulling him to me looking down at him. I snarled.

"You should shut the fuck up before I claw your fucking voice box out" I hissed at him.

"So violent! Why would they let such a delinquent into hero studies!?" He says. My eyes thinned and I pushed him down onto the ground.

"I can still fucking fight you with a broken arm you blond fuck and a strained wrist!!" I hissed. He looked up smirking. Everyone was watching this unravel.

"Whoa! Wait! Wait!!" Kiri says pushing me away from Monoma. "Hey. Why dont we get food? Come on. Your probably just hungry or something" he smiled sweetly at me.

"No fight! I bet she cant win!" Called a kid we didnt know. I glared at them and he was a new 1st year. I snarled twords him and it looked like his soul just left his body.

"Your lucky killing you wont do anything beneficial to me other then to shut you up. More bad things can and probably will happen if I kill you" I said looking down at Monoma. His eyes were shaken and his face had a dark red hue. He was a narcissistic masochist, so with what I said and what I did, he was probably turned on or something. I just sighed stuffing my hand into my pocket. "Kiri. Help Bakugo with his lunch. Deku. Your helping me. Cant really hold anything much with me have a cast and a fucking sprained alomst useless arm" I said. Deku nods quickly and puffed his cheeks out. Kiri did to.

Adorable little shits...

My Kitten~ (Yandere!Shinso x Cat!Quirked!(OC!)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now