Liam stayed over one night but he promised his brother and his family that he will be there in time for the 4th of July holiday. Hope had a rough week of her allergic reaction, she was up crying and awake because of her medicine. Emma and Killian were up constantly with their daughter. Henry heard Hope crying in her parent's room and go see his sister who was being comforted by their Mom who was exhausted. "Mom, I can watch Hope for a while."
"Are you sure Henry?"
"Yes, Hope needs her brother."
Emma smiles and hands over Hope to her son. "Thanks, Henry."
"You are welcome, Mom. You and Dad need a break." Henry takes Hope into his room. "Hopey, we are going to have storytime." Hope hugs her brother. "We can snuggle and talk. I know you are in pain, little sis. I am right here." Killian sees Henry taking care of his sister and goes to see his wife. He hugs hers, "Love, Henry is with our little love."
"We need to sleep."
"Aye, yes, we do love. She is getting better."
"Yes, but she is not getting any sleep."
"I know, but she is almost done with her medicine."
"Yes, you are right captain. While Henry is watching or daughter, we should sleep."
"You are right, my swan." They kiss. Emma fell asleep underneath the covers wrapped in Killian's arms. Henry takes Hope to the living room, "We can have storytime here." He kisses Hope on the head. He let Hope crawl around. "Hopey, I have my storybook. It is storytime." Hope crawls onto her brother's lap. "Once upon a time, Snow White and Princes Charming were expecting a baby..."
Henry smiles. "That is right, little sis, Mommy. There was a curse coming to the Enchanted Forest..." Emma woke up at 6:30 am, surprised to have 6 hours of sleep. She kisses Killian on the head and goes to find the kids, they weren't in Henry's room. He found them in the living room, Henry was fast asleep on the couch with Hope sleeping on him. She was in awe, "Thank you, Henry. You are the best big brother to Hope." She kisses Henry on the head. Henry moved in his sleep, "Mom, she just fell asleep."
Emma gently takes Hope from Henry. "You need to get sleep, Henry. I got Hope from here." Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you for being up with Hope all night."
"Your welcome, I just wanted to help, you and Dad looked so tired. I love being with Hope."
"You are a great big brother, Henry. I know Hope so much fun with you."
"We read stories, snuggled a lot and practice her walking." Emma smiles and kisses Henry on the head. "You did a great job, Henry. Now go upstairs to get sleep." Henry goes upstairs to get sleep in his room, while Emma sits on the couch and gave Hope snuggles. "You are the best hugger, Hopey. I love you." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope moves around in her sleep. "Mommy is here...Mommy is right here." Killian found his two loves downstairs and joins them on the couch.
"How is our little love?"
"Shh, she just fell asleep. Henry was up all night with her."
"Aye, he told me before going to bed himself."
"He told me how much he had fun with her all night."
"He is the best big brother to Hope."
"Yes, you are right, captain." Hope moves around, Killian lets Hope hold his hook. "Dada is right next to you, little love." He kisses Hope on the head, who stopped moving around and fell back to sleep gripping her Daddy's hook. "Killian, she loves her Daddy's hook."
"Aye, she is our little pirate."
Emma smiles, "That is right, captain." They kiss.
It was the fourth of July, Hope was healing from her allergic reaction, with a few red marks all over her body but she was off her medicine. Emma and Killian were preparing in the kitchen and in the backyard for the barbeque. Henry was watching Hope in his room, she woke up crawling on her big brother. "Hopey, what do you want to do? Play in the swings? Swim?" Hope babbled. "Okay, let's get ready to swim." Henry changes Hope into her swim diaper and he changes into his bathing suit. Hope babbled. "We are going swimming little sis." Hope clapped her hands. Henry brings Hope downstairs to the kitchen, "Mommy."
"Hopey, are you and Henry going swimming?" Hope babbled.
"Mom, I asked Hope what she wanted to do and she wanted to go swimming." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. 'Hopey." She takes Hope from her son. "Henry, you can set up the baby pool in the backyard." Hope babbled. "Hopey, are you going to watch the fireworks tonight?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Auntie Allison, Lizzie, Connor and Uncle Ted are joining us." Hope babbled. "Yes, Daddy's brother is joining us." Emma helps Hope walk out into the back yard. "Hi, little love."
"Dada." Hope walks to her Daddy and hugs his legs. "Little love, are you going to go swimming with Henry?" Hope babbled. "Hope, you are giving me the best hug." Henry filled the pool. "Little love, your pool is ready." He puts Hope in the pool. "Henwy."
"I am coming in little sis." Hope was walking around in the pool, Henry made sure Hope did not fall. "Mommy."
"Hopey, are you enjoying swimming with Henry?" Hope smiled. "You want Mommy to play?" Henry gave his Mom a few of Hope's toys and they both play with Hope in the water. Killian took pictures of his family playing in the pool. "Hope, you are getting Mom wet."
"Henry, I do not mind, kid. It is hot out. Your sister is getting me cool off." Hope babbled. "Yes, baby girl. You are cooling me off." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
"Little sis, more toys." Hope walks to Henry and trips. Henry catches his sister. "Hope, I got you. Mom, she is okay." Hope hugs her brother. "Hope, you want to play more?"
"No? What do you want to do?"
"Mom, Hope wants you." Emma gets a towel and wraps Hope.
"I think wants a bubble bath and change into her 4th of July outfit." hope babbled. "Yes, you want to wear your new outfit that we got when we went shopping." Emma carries Hope inside. "Dad?"
"Yes, son?"
"Can we have a sailing lesson soon just the two of us?"
"Yes, we can, Henry." Emma dresses Hope in her new red, white and blue dress in a matching bow. She helps Hope stand up. "Little duck, you look so cute in your outfit!" Hope smiles and leans to her Mommy. "You want to snuggle?" Hope babbled. They went into Emma and Killian's room, Hope snuggled with her Mommy. Hope crawls around on her Mommy. "Hopey."
"Mommy." They play their special game and peek a boo. Killian upstairs to see his two loves playing. He takes pictures of his loves playing. "Hopey, do you want Dada to join us?" Hope smiled. Killian joins in their game. "Dada."
"Little love, you want to play with me?" Hope crawls on her Daddy. "Aye, I know what you are up to, my little pirate." He lets Hope play on him. Emma smiles seeing Killian and Hope playing. Emma hears the door, she goes down and sees Allison and her family. "Auntie Emma!" Lizzie gives Emma big. "HI, Lizzie! Happy 4th of July!'
"Where is Hope?"
"She will be down soon, she is playing with Killian."
"Allison!" They hug.
"We brought burger buns and hotdog buns. How is my little niece?"
"She is back to her being a little pirate but her body has rash still."
"As long her swelling is gone that is a good sign of her getting better."
"Yes, little love. Auntie Allison is here."
"Hi, Hopey." Killian hands over Hope to Allison. "Did Mommy dressed you in American flag colors for 4th of July?" Hope babbled."I love your dress, sweetie." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
"Hi, Hope." Hope babbled. "Mommy, can I play with Hope?
"Yes, you can. You will see how much she walks now."
"Allison, she is walking more each day." She puts Hope down and Allison holds her hand as they walk to the backyard. "Mommy, Hope is walking."
"Yes, she is Lizzie." Killian and Ted start the barbeque. Allison plays with Hope on the grass as Lizzie played on the playground, while Henry and Connor played baseball. Lizzie joins Hope and Allison, "Mom can I play with Hope?"
"Yes, you can." Hope babbled. Allison and Emma talk while watching their children play. Hope walks toward where Henry and Connor were playing. Lizzie chased Hope. "Hope." Henry stopped playing and holds his sister. "Hope, you want to play with me? Lizzie I got Hope." Hope hugs her brother. Lizzie goes to the playground. Emma rushes to Hope. "Hope. Henry is playing with Connor. You can get hurt, sweetie."
"Henwy." He gave her a kiss on her cheek.
"Hope, we can watch Henry and Connor play." Hope began to cry. "You just want your big brother?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "You want to have girl talk with Auntie Allison and me?" Hope babbled. Emma brings Hope to Allison on the hammock. "Allison, Hope wants to join us."
"Hopey, you can join our girl to talk anytime, little niece." She tickles Hope which makes her laugh. The backyard door opens, Liam enters the backyard. Killian sees his brother. "Brother." They hug. "I am so glad that you came."
" I get to see my family." Henry runs up to his dad and uncle. "Uncle Liam, you made it."
"I wouldn't miss it, Henry." Emma carries Hope to Henry, Killian, and Liam. "Hope, look who is here? Daddy's brother, Uncle Liam." Hope reaches out to Liam. "Hi, Liam. Hope is very excited to see her favorite uncle."
"Hi, Emma. I can see that Hope wants to say hi." He gets Hope from his sister in law. "Hi, Hope. You want to play with me?" Hope hugs her uncle Liam and babbled.
"Little love, you like Daddy's brother?" Hope smiles. "Aye, you can play with Daddy's brother."
"Killian, I think Hope wants you to join us."
"Aye, that sounds right."
"Killian have fun with your brother and our little Hope. I can keep an eye on the food." She kisses Killian on the cheek. "Hope, be a good little girl for Daddy and Uncle Liam. Mommy is nearby." Hope smiles. Killian and Liam sat down on the grass and talked, Hope was happily babbling away to her uncle and climbing onto him. "Hope, be gentle to Uncle Liam little love."
"Little love, you cannot climb on your uncle." Hope babbled. "Yes, I know you are very excited to have Daddy's brother here. You do not want to hurt him."
"Killian, Hope can play with me however she wants too." He lifts Hope up and down. Emma and Allison watched from afar, "Let me guess, Killian and Liam, are having brother time with Hope."
"Yes, that is right. Hope loves her Daddy and her uncle. Liam is Killian's only family member alive, and Hope loves her uncle not my brother."
"I can see why. Hope loves playing with Liam."
"Oh, yes she got him wrapped around her finger like her daddy's hook." They both giggled. Henry joined his dad, uncle and sister with a book he borrowed from the library a story on 4th of July, to explain to Hope and to their Uncle Liam. Hope loved Henry reading to her. "Henry, I think Hope wants to sit with you>'
"Aye, you are right, brother. Hope loves when she sits on Henry's lap when he is reading to her." Hope smiles. "Henry read the book to his sister Everyone had hotdogs, burgers and fruit salad. Killian spoonfed Hope her food. "Little love, you are eating all of your food." Hope babbled. "Dada."
"My little pirate." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"You give the best hugs, Hope." He gave her kisses on her head.
"Killian, Hope is so cute."
"Aye, yes she is. My little lass." Hope holds her Daddy hook. "You want to walk with Dada?" Hope babbled. "Okay, little love." Killian follows where Hope leads him to the playground. "Do you want to go on the swings? Or slide?" Hope leads him to the swing. "Dada will push you." Hope fusses. "You want to swing with Dada?"
"Dada." Killian smiles and sits on the swing with his little lass. Emma sits with Liam. "Liam, how is the food?"
"It is really good, Emma. It is very different from submarine food."
Emma smiles. "I am very happy you are here with us." They watch Killian swinging with Hope.
"Killian is amazing Dad to Hope and Henry."
"Yes, he is Liam. He loves Hope and always there for her."
"He is doing everything that our father did not do for him and my other brother..." Lizzie comes to them. "Auntie Emma, can Connor, Hope and I play in the sprinkler?"
Allison sits next to Emma. "Emma, I hope this is alright, I brought a sprinkler for the kids to play in."
"That is a great idea." Henry gets a sword fighting lesson from his Uncle Liam. Connor and Lizzie changed into their bathing suits. "Little love, you want to get into the sprinkler?"
"Killian, Hope is having fun with you."
"Aye, she loves her Dada." They kiss. Hope reaches out to Emma.
"Hopey, you want to get wet?" She holds Hope on her hip and gave her kisses on the head. Emma dressed Hope into her bathing suit and swim diaper. Allison sets up the sprinkler. Lizzie runs into the sprinkler. Emma carries Hope. "Look, Hope a sprinkler where the water comes out of a machine." She helps Hope walk where Lizzie and Connor were playing. "Hope, join us."
"Lizzie wants you to join them, Hopey." Hope began to cry and hugs her Mommy. "Hopey." Emma holds her daughter. "Hopey, don't cry. Lizzie, Hope will join in later." Killian approaches his two loves.
"Little love, why are you crying?"
"She is not comfortable with the sprinkler."
"Little love, are you afraid of the sprinkler?" He kisses Hope on the head. Liam and Henry come over. "Hopey, why are you crying little sis?"
"Lad, your sister doesn't want to go to the sprinkler."
"Brother, I have an idea. Hope, do you want to see the real ocean, little niece?" Hope smiled.
"Liam, what are you up to?"
"Well, Emma. Hope and Henry need to see under the sea."
"Uncle Liam, I have been on the Nautilus. Hope needs to see under the sea.
Hope babbled. Allison approaches them. "What is about going under the sea?"
"I was thinking, showing how a submarine works. Lizzie and Connor can join us."
"They will love it, Liam." They all got ready for the submarine, Allison and Ted packed their belongings with le knowing they were heading home after the fireworks, as Liam helped Killian and Henry cleaning up the backyard. They all head down to the docks to the submarine together. Liam went down ahead, Ted helped down his kids down the submarine. Emma was holding Hope, "Little sis, this is where I met Uncle Liam. We are going under the sea to see fishies, like in the aquarium."
"Little love, we are going to the ocean without getting wet. Love, I will go ahead, I get hold Hope when you get down." Killian goes ahead and holds Hope while Emma. "Look, little love. We are on the Nautilus. This is where Uncle Liam lives." Liam gave them all a tour and taught the kids what everything does. He was holding Hope. "Little niece, this is what uncle does on the submarine." Hope babbled. Emma takes pictures of Liam and Hope. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Hope is enjoying her time with her uncle."
"You and your brother have that charm."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, captain." They kiss. They hear Allison's kids saying yes.
"Okay, Nemo we are going under." When they were all set, the submarine made a noise. Hope began to cry and squirm. Killian gets Hope from his brother. "Little love, it is alright. Dada is here...Dada is here. I know the noise is scary but it is alright." He rubs Hope's back. Hope cried more. "Killian, Hope wants her Mommy. Hopey..." She takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, you are alright. Shh...shhh.." Henry gives his sister her quilt. "Hope, we are underwater little sis. Uncle Nemo is driving us around under water."
"We are going to see fishies, sweetie."
"Yes, Lizzie?"
"My Mommy told me you were on this submarine once, can you tell me the story?"
"Sure, Lizzie," Henry tells Connor and Lizzie his adventure with his Dad. Killian wraps his arm around his wife. "How is our little love?"
"She wants to be held by me." Hope fusses. Killian gave Hope her Daddy's hook.
"Dada is right here little love. Uncle Liam and Uncle Nemo are driving us around the ocean little love. I have the perfect spot to show our Hope the fishes." He guides his two loves to the big window. "Look, Hopey. Fishies." Hope babbled, Emma walks with Hope to see the fishies. Hope pats the glass. "Hope, do not hurt the glass, little love." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. I see the colorful fishies." Killian sits with Hope and watched the fishies with his little lass. Emma went to see Henry. Hope turns her head did not see her Mommy only her Daddy. "Mommy?" Hope cried. Emma rushes back. "Hope. Mommy is with Henry, little love in the next room. There is no way she can leave the submarine." Emma returns back and holds her daughter. "Hopey, I am right here. I did not leave... I did not leave...shh...shhh... Mommy is want to watch the fishies with me?" She kisses Hope on the head and sits down with Hope. "Look at the green fish." Killian smiles seeing Emma and Hope enjoying the ocean scenery.
"Brother is everything alright?"
"Aye, Hope is afraid Emma when left to the next room. She has been having a rough time if one of us is away, especially being away from her Mommy. She gets afraid, she was kidnapped a few times and the other realm incident."
"I understand that." Emma carries Hope to Liam.
"Liam, where is the bathroom? I have to change Hope." Liam leads Emma and Hope to the bathroom. Emma changes Hope, she escapes and Liam scoops Hope. "Hope, what are you doing out here butt naked?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you are being a little pirate." Hope laughs. "Oh, really? You need to have a diaper on."
Emma smiles. "She likes you, Liam."
"I know. I am her favorite uncle."
"Yes, you are." She gets Hope changed again. "Liam, thank you for giving us a tour and a ride on the Nautilus."
"You are welcome, I wanted to show my niece where I live, also our extended family." Hope cried. "Hope, you are with me baby girl. We are with Uncle Liam." Hope babbled. "You want to see more fishies? Hope loves fishies."
Liam smiles. "Hope, I can show you and your Mommy the fishies." Emma smile. He guides his sister-in-law and niece to the view of the fish. "Look, Hope there are so many fish here to see. You see they like swimming together?" Hope babbled who was sitting on her Mommy's lap listening to her uncle. Killian saw the site and took pictures of his brother teaching his lass about fishes. Hope babbled. "Liam, Hope is enjoying you teaching her."
Liam smiles. "Anything for my little niece." He rubs Hope's cheek. She holds his finger and sucks on it. "Hope, let go of Uncle Liam's finger, sweetie."
"It is okay, Emma. I do not mind. She is just happy that I am giving a lesson on ocean life." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "Is my brother giving you and Hope a fish lesson?"
"Yes, Hope is enjoying seeing the fishies."
"Little love." He gets Hope into his arms. "Is Uncle Liam showing you the fishies?" Hope babbled loudly. Henry joins his family. "Hope, are you getting a lesson fishies by Uncle Liam?"
"Henwy." Henry holds his sister.
"Hope." Lizzie hugs Henry.
"Lizzie, be gentle to Henry. He is holding Hope. Sorry, Henry."
"That is alright, I am getting used to it." Hope grabs Henry's hair and babbled. "Hope. See Aunt Allison?"
Allison smiles. "Yes, I can, Henry. Hope be gentle with Henry's hair." They all watched the ocean moving around them for a little while longer. Emma nurses Hope. "This is where Mommy was resting when Mommy and Daddy were being taken home from the other realm." Hope gripped her Mommy. "I am right here, I am not going anywhere without you." She kisses Hope on the head.
"We are back at Storybrooke everyone." When the submarine was going up, Hope began to cry. Killian gets Hope from Henry. "Little love, we are back home. Don't cry. Hope, we are going to go on the Jolly Roger to watch the fireworks."
Killian smiles. "Yes, little love." They walked to the Jolly Roger, Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Wa-wa."
"Hope, I know you want to walk to the Jolly Roger." Killian helps Hope walk aboard the ship.
"Love, I got our little lass." He helps Hope aboard the Jolly Roger safely and let her walk around. "Wa-wa." Emma hugs Killiam smiling at their little girl, "She takes after her Daddy."
"Aye, she is our little pirate." They kiss.
"Uncle Killian?"
"Yes, Lizzie?"
"Can you show me what everything is?"
Killian smiles. "Aye, I can give you, Connor and your Dada tour. Your Mom has been on the Jolly Roger before."
"Killian, I will keep an eye on our little pirate, so she won't get into mischief." Emma watches Hope as Killian gave the tour of his ship. "Little sis, you want to go to the steering wheel?" Hope babbled. Henry and Hope played with the steering wheel. "Lad, make sure your sister doesn't steer too hard."
"Aye, Dad." Hope babbled. Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope being two pirates and her pirate giving their extended family tour of the Jolly Roger. The sun was setting. Lizzie and Hope were playing on the deck, Hope was being chased by Lizzie while Henry and Killian showing Connor and Ted how sails work. Allison and Emma were nearby the girls and setting up spots for the fireworks. Liam and Killian were bonding. Allison was tickling her godniece. "Hopey, are you having fun on your second home?"
Allison smiles. "Yes, Roger is your Daddy's ship. I know you are going to teach how to drive the ship? Can you teach me?" Hope smiled as Allison lead her to the steering wheel. "My little niece is driving the ship."
Allison chuckles. "My bad, Jolly Roger, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
"Allison, is my little niece showing her pirate side?"
Allison smiles. "Yes, she is Liam. She takes after her Daddy."
Hope began to cry. "Hope, why are you crying?" Allison holds Hope. Lizzie goes to Emma."Auntie Emma? Why is Hope crying? She was showing my Mommy to drive the ship?" Emma smiles as Allison brings her daughter to her. "Lizzie, Hope is just tired. It is way past her bedtime. Hopey, you need a diaper change and bedtime." Hope squirms. Emma gets Hope from Allison."Hope, I saw you teaching Auntie Allison how to steer the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled. "You are being a little pirate. We are sleeping here tonight baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little pirate, don't cry. You need your rest." He gave Hope his hook, which she grabs. "My little pirate." Hope smiles which made Emma and Killian both smile and they kiss. "Swan, I can get Hope ready for bed."
"She needs a change, too."
"I will change her and get her to sleep." Killian takes Hope into the captain quarter and got her ready for bed. "Little love, do you want a pirate story?" Hope babbled. "Aye, a pirate story, it is." He lays down next to Hope and let her hold his hook. "Once upon a time, there was a brave pirate..." Emma finds Henry and hugs him. "How is your 4th of July Henry?"
"Fun. Can we have one on one time soon?"
"Yes, we can Henry. What do you want to do?"
"Stakeout or art."
Emma smiles. "We can do both."
"Yes!" He hugs his Mom and she smiles. The fireworks started across the way.
"Auntie Emma! The fireworks!"
"I see them, Lizzie. Let's go watch." They sat together watching the fireworks together. Lizzie sat in between her Mom and Aunt. Henry moves over to make room for Killian who was holding sleeping Hope who was wrapped up in her quilt.
"Hopey." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "She is missing the fireworks, Mom.
"Henry, your sister needs her rest. She had a very busy day."
"You are right. I will tell her all about it tomorrow."
"I know you will, Henry." She kisses her son on the head. "How is our little pirate?"
"Fast asleep. She had a very long day being a little pirate."
"Let me hold our little duckling. So we can snuggle." Killian hands over sleeping Hope to Emma. "I love you, Hope. We are snuggling." She kisses Hope on the head.
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves, seeing their family together. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you, too, Killian. We had a very fun 4th of July."
"Aye, I cannot wait for more family time on holidays."
"Me too." They kiss. "Happy 4th of July."
"Happy 4th of July, swan." They kiss as the fireworks were blasting around them while snuggling their daughter and being around their family.

Happy Beginning Captain Swan
General FictionAfter Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and Killian finally have a life that they both can enjoy together without fighting the town's villains. Robin does not die in season 5. After...