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my mother left later that morning, and came back with my little brother.

the two stayed in my apartment, and i left to the convenience store.

i finally wore something of my own; black leggings, but i wore your white hoodie, too. your smell may have worn off, but it was still comforting, it was still yours.

the store owner greeted me, saying it's been awhile since i visited, i just smiled and agreed.

it seemed like everyone knew, like they all were being nice because of it, but maybe that thought was just me being delusional. maybe people are just nice.



on my way home, i stopped by the river, parking alongside the curb of the city park.

i got out and began to walk along the curb that split the ground and the river. my balance wasn't great, and right when i reached the bridge, i took a wrong step.

i quickly reached to grab the rail of the bridge before falling, my heart was left racing.



the bridge wasn't as crowded as usual, few people were on it, but not enough to give attention to what had just happened.

i brushed myself off, the embarrassment along with it. i started onto the bridge, keeping my distance from everyone else, dragging my hand across the rail.

i paused, looking out to the river, and the setting sky.

i clenched the rail with both my hands, holding tight as i stepped up onto the bottom rail that was a couple inches off the bridge. i leaned my weight forward, watching the clouds become parted, and the orange coloured blinding light peek through.

"this time of day," you had said, "i don't know why, but parted clouds and the setting sun always reminded me of you."

i smiled at the memory, feeling my chest tighten.

"when the leaves carry through the wind, i am with you"


the air whistled, a cold breeze brushing by, leaves stumbling on the ground.

i looked to my right and there you were, standing on the bridge, next to me. our height matched- thanks to the couple of inches i was lifted up- and i stared until your eyes met mine.

you gave me a cheeky smile, and placed your hand on mine. i looked at our hands, then to you again.

"love, that's dangerous," you spoke softly.

i had no words.

i opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. i just stared.

"why are you crying?" you said, tilting your head a bit.

i didn't realize i was.

"step down, baby," you removed your hand from mine, placing it on my cheek, "come to me."

i closed my eyes, feeling the tears fall through your hand, and drip on my shoulder

"come to me"


the cold breeze brushed by again, and i opened my eyes to nothing.

where your hand should have been, burned.


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