004 BabySitter | Stephen Curry

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Short Chapter.
Steph has been a bit distant over the last week. Nothing was awkward but the distance was evident, we rarely spoke at all.

Not to mention I felt embarrassed about almost kissing him, despite what I said a month or so ago about keeping things professional. I was in the moment, if my head was on straight I wouldn't have done that. Maybe I should apologize.

I called excitedly once I walked in the house

I had just come from Chick-fil-A grabbing the girls and I some food. I also grabbed Steph some hoping it would break the ice.

I found them in the living room. I placed the food down on the table allowing them to race to it. They were always hungry, little monsters.

I sat next to Steph on the couch before placing his bag in his lap.

"Thank you."

"Mhm. I wanted to apologize for the other day. It totally went against what we talked about."

"It's fine."

"It's not. Not to mention you're a bit distant now. I hope I didn't over step any boundaries that I can't come back from."

He began to laugh, confusing me.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I knew you wanted to stick to what you said. I've just been a bit distant because I don't want to get too attached while I can't have you yet. I have feelings for you Sasha and having you comfort me and allowing me to hold you just amplified those feelings. But I can't act on them yet so it would be best if they don't get any larger."

I just stared at him. This man was absolutely breathtaking, I'd never heard a man spill their heart out. I was surprised and extremely attracted.

"You seem surprised."

"I am. Pleasantly surprised."

"Do you see where I'm coming from though?"
He chuckled before breaking his glare

"Yes, totally. Thank you for respecting my wishes."

"I know this whole setting will be a bit of a drastic change for you so I want to make you as comfortable as possible going in to it. Plus I want to show you the man you'll be entering a relationship with, if you allow me to be your man."

"Very likely possibility."

He eyed me with a smile painting his face.
We finished eating our food in a comfortable silence. Once I was done eating I cleaned up the girls and the mess they made before reoccupying my spot next to Steph.

I grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly before letting it go.
"Sasha, would you consider going on a date with me?"

I would love too but how would that look of his behalf. He is going through a divorce and is stepping out on a date with his nanny.

"I know what you're thinking but I have it covered. I'll take the girls to my mother in the morning and I'm giving you the day off, just be back here at 7. Is that okay?"

I smiled and hid it before laughing, I was more than excited.

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