The train whistles and smoke began to appear at the station. Inside of it, Major Armstrong, Ed and Leia all sat together. Ed and Leia sat together side by side, while the Major all alone in front of them, since he took a lot of.. space.
Suddenly, the glass beside them tapped. Leia and Ed turned their heads to find Lieutenant Colonel Hughes.
"Lieutenant Colonel?"
"The folks at Eastern Command are a bit busy at the moment, so I came by to drop a hi instead." He said knowingly. Ed nodded, but then looked at the Major who's reading a book.
"Great, but, do you mind telling me what's Major doing here?"
"For protection." Hughes answered simply and Leia raised her eyebrows.
"I thought the Colonel told me to keep an eye for them." Leia answered, and Hughes shifted a laugh.
"He sure does, but just a reminder that you can't carry a whole of Alphonse's box all by yourself."
Edward sighed. Well, he's actually right.
"Children can be so stubborn." Armstrong muttered slightly.
"Hey! I'm no child! Anyway, are you sure Al made it on board?" Ed asked after recovering from his rant.
"Of course, I thought he might get lonely without some kind of company."
Suddenly, the train bell rang loudly, and smoke began to crumble out from the smokestack.
"It's time!
You guys have a safe trip and drop me a shout next time you're back!" Hughes said with a salute. Ed and Mayor saluted back, and Leia followed belatedly.
I blinked slowly, while looking at my surroundings. The sun was down a few hours ago, leaving the cresent moon to light up the whole sky.
I sighed.
Ed and Mayor has fallen asleep an hour ago, leaving me all alone. For Gate's sake it's honestly really hard for me to sleep in a train- since well, I've never really been on before.
"Ed..?" I whispered silently, but all I achieved is a snore.
I looked around and stood up silently. Maybe it's best if I checked on Al. We were in the last cabin so it's wouldn't be that hard to find him.
I walked around for around five minutes, until I found a train door.
I opened it silently, and I passed the train garage until I heard a few sounds of ..lambs?
I open the last door and was greeted by numerous of lambs.
And Al was in the middle of it.
He looked up to see me, and I waved awkwardly.
"Uh.. hey,"

The Psyche Alchemist (AlxOC)
FanfictionBeing caught as a dark immigrant from the outskirts of Amestris, Leia Edinrogue made a deal with Colonel Mustang and his team in order not to be thrown to the dungeons in Central. What kind of deal would the Colonel gave her, exactly? Why, keeping t...