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Hey y'all! How are my pandas doing? I hope you're doing swell!

Enjoy :)


Normal P.O.V

"Cheerleader, wake up." Lucy's eyes fluttered open to see Bixslow. She noticed the others beginning to wake up as well.

Laxus was still fast asleep, making Lucy chuckle. She poked his cheek a few times, watching his eyebrows twitch in discomfort. His eyes slowly opened, and Lucy gently tapped his shoulder.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Lucy chuckled, Laxus returning a small smile. He sat up, stretching as he did so.

"Alright, we must meet with the mayor today. But first, let's go to the inn." Freed said, ushering the group off the train.

Lucy was excited for their upcoming mission, she was able to show off her true skills to some of the most powerful mages in the guild. She had already shown Laxus that she was strong enough to fight more than one opponent, and now she's about to show that she can help take down a monster.

"Come on Lucy, you get to share a room with me!" Evergreen smiles, handing Lucy a shiny golden key.

Lucy walked to the room, yawning every so often, wanting nothing more than to nap. "This is no time to be tired, Lucy. We have a mayor to visit." Evergreen smiled, unlocking their shared room.

"Sorry, sorry. But lets hurry, the boys must be already waiting for us in the lobby." Lucy rushed, throwing her bag on her bed, ushering Evergreen to do the same thing.

The girls walked down the stairs, seeing the boys ready to go. She walked to them, smiling before pointing to the door. "Come on slowpokes, we have a mayor to meet!" Lucy giggled, mocking the words her friend had used earlier.

The said girl walked up to Lucy, linking arms before walking out of the empty lobby together, leaving three boys behind.

They all silently marched towards the giant house belonging to the mayor, every entrance being heavily guarded out of his own fear of attacks.

"Hello, I'm Lucy Heartfilia, and we are the Fairy Tail mages here to complete the quest." Lucy smiled, showing the guards the flier and each person's guild mark.

Without a word, they are let through and guided into a seating area with many couches. The mayor had occupied one of the couches, having the mages sit on the surrounding ones.

"Hello, I'm mayor Sizuki. Thank you for taking this job, we have a monster who comes out only at night and destroys all he can. The back part of town is completely destroyed, we have built walls and tried to attack ourselves, but nothings worked." The master cried, Lucy seeing the worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry mayor Sizuki, we will defeat the monster for you." Lucy smiled, her guild mates around her nodding.

"Thank you, oh thank you." He smiled, wiping his face dry.

Soon after, they were dismissed. While walking back to the inn, they strategized their game plan.

"We should just wait around until the monster shows up. Then we can hit him with a few smaller attacks, wait until he gets weak and hit him with one giant one. Knocking him out." Bickslow comes up with, Lucy nodding in agreement.

"Great plan Bickslow!" She giggled, looking around at all the shops and local restaurants.

"We should go head to the inn and get some rest, it's already noon. We need all the energy we can get." Freed sighed, everyone agreeing completely.

"I could use a good nap." Lucy yawned, stretching her arms.

"Me too." Evergreen smiled, linking arms with Lucy.

"Onward to our naps!" Lucy giggled, marching with Evergreen.

Within the next few minutes, they were all in their beds, soundly asleep. But not for too long, as their alarms were about to go off, signaling for them to get ready for their mission.

"Ugh! I want five more minutes." Lucy groaned, sitting up.

"No can do, we've got to eat before we fight that beast. But I wish we could have a few more minutes too." Evergreen sighed, rolling out of her warm bed.

Lucy grabbed a fresh set of clothes, and changed, wanting to be in a comfortable outfit to defeat the dangerous monster.

"You ready to go?" Lucy asked as she finished pulling her hair up.

"Yes ma'am." Evergreen smiled before the pair of girls set off.

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