16; tyler

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a/n: i'm reading  dante's divine comedy and i feel very sophisticated
anyways enjoy this chapter, it's kind of a filler one, but big things are coming

"tyler! wait!" tyler heard a familiar voice call. he turned around and saw joshua, his now-pink hair all over the place.

"what is it?" tyler questioned as joshua reached him, his face red and slightly sweaty.

"i..you..a-and," the boy tried to explain while catching his breath.

"woah, woah, take a second," tyler said, placing his hand on joshua's shoulder.

the boy flinched a bit, and tyler furrowed his eyebrows at him. "you okay..?"

"h-huh, wh-what?" joshua stuttered, looking at tyler but not in his eyes.

"are you..blushing..?"




"why're you blushing?"

tyler watched as joshua shook his head before shrugging.

"it's dumb," joshua said, looking down at his feet. "like, really, really dumb."

"just tell me."

"i like you."

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