November 20, Shimozuru Arata’s birthday. It’s been a while since the boy has celebrated his birthday. Ever since his parents left him alone in Mikage on his birthday nonetheless,he never felt like celebrating it. So this year his boyfriend, Sugimori Takeshi, decided to make it the best day of his life. It started that Tuesdays morning, when they met each other to walk to school together from the soccer club dorms. They met up under one of the big sakura trees in the front garden. “It’s the 20th, happy birthday Ar” Takeshi greets his boyfriend and gives him a loving kiss on the lips. “Thanks Take, but you know i don’t like my birthday” Arata answers with a solemn expression on his face “That’s why i’m gonna make this the best one you have had” his boyfriend answers while he wraps his arm around Arata’s waist and pull him closer to him. Then he starts walking in the direction of the school while pulling Arata with him, giving the boy no time to protest.
Pov Arata
“Have fun today Arata. I’ll see you at practise” Takeshi says and gives me a quick peek on the lips before leaving for his class. I look after him wanting to say that he better doesn’t have anything planned for my birthday but he is gone before i can even for the words. “Damnit” i mumble under my breath “You seem really happy today” a voice says sarcastically behind me. I turn around to see Fujimaru and Terakawa standing there “Why are you so depressed today?” Terakawa asks as we start walking to our class. “uumh, it’s that obvious?” i ask him sounding annoyed “oh, i forgot that your parents left you on your birthday” he says making a shot of pain go through my chest at the memorrie. “Way to go Iwao” Fujimaru says as he slaps him at the back of his head “Are you gonna be fine today, i know it’s hard for you” Fuji asks me “I will survive as long as i don’t think about it” i answer him. And so we go on with our day, until practise starts.
It all goes well until me and Takeshi are left to put away the used practise supplies. “So how was your day so far?” he asks as he walks up behind me while i close the supply closet. “It was fine i guess” i answer while heading to the locker room to shower. “Arata i know this is a hard day for you, but there is no need to be so cold throats me” Takeshi tells me as he watches me undress. I stop my actions to look at him, when he doesn’t say anything i look at the ground suddenly feeling really vulnerable. “Will you please let me make this a good birthday for you?” Takeshi asks while he lifts my chin to make me look up at him “...” i nod not able to bring out any words without my voice breaking. “Come let’s shower after that i’ll take you for your birthday surprise” he whispers as he gives me a kiss on my forehead.
Back at the dorms
“Tadhaa, this is your birthday surprise” Takeshi says happily when he uncovers my eyes. I look around to see we’re in the kitchen with some ingredients and supplies laid out on the counter. I look back at Takeshi having no idea what he wants me to do with this, he smiles at my confusion “we’re gonna make a birthday cake for you together” he says with the smile still on his face. “Takeshi… i can’t bake neither can you” i tell him “I know but that doesn’t matter i got a recipe right here we just have to follow the steps” he says as he holds out the recipe to me. I look at it still not trusting it “come on a little more enthusiasm would be nice Ar” he says while pulling me by my waist next to him and closer to the counter. I let out a sign but decide to just make the best of it for Takeshi “what kind of cake is it?” i ask him while leaning a bit on him “Chocolade” he answers while handing me some ingredients. “‘Let’s start and see how this goes” he tells me “what if i fuck up my own birthday cake?”i ask him “It’ll be fine” he assures me. And so we start our unfortunate try to bake a cake which ends with cake batter all over us. “Takeshi, I don’t want to ruin this but i think the batter is supposed to stay in the bowl and not all over me” i mumble, he looks as my cake batter covered face and starts laughing. “I’m sorry Ar i thought this would have been a little easier” he apologizes and gives me a soft kiss on my lips he licks away a bit of the batter which landed there making me blush. “I guess we’ll just have to take another shower then” “What about the rest of the mess and the cake?” I ask him “that can wait” he whispers as he slowly leads me to one of the bathrooms. “You can already start, I’ll go get new clothes for us” Takeshi tells me and walks away. I start the water, undress and hop into the shower when the hot water touches my skin i let me thoughts wander off. However my thoughts wander to the wrong side, my mind takes me back to the painful memory of my parents leaving me on this exact day a few years ago. I shake my head to stop the memories from coming back. Then i feel strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, i’m pulled against a macular chest. “Are you okay you look a bit pale?” Takeshi whispers as he rests his chin on my shoulder “My memories of this day a few years ago just came back a bit, i’m fine now” i whisper back. Before i can comprehend what is happening i’m turned around and Takeshi plants his lips on mine. Before the kiss gets too heated he pulls back “Let’s wash ourselves before someone else steals your cake” he says with a smile on his face making me smile as well.
When we’re done with showering and back dressed we start walking back to the kitchen to pick up where we left off. But the cake isn’t there anymore as well as the mess we made. “Guess someone already stole the cake” i mumble and turn to walk away, but Takeshi stops me by taking a hold of my wrist. “But i smell cake in the air” Takeshi says “So what, someone else is probably eating it now” i tell him while trying to walk to the living room. “Arata you’re a genius they’re probably in the living room!” he says as if he just solved a murder and two seconds later i find myself being dragged to the living room. “Takeshi-” i wanna tell him to stop dragging me around but the words stop when i see the scene in front of me. All the guys from our team are standing there with the cake baked and decorated in the middle of the salontable. “Happy birthday Arata” they all say when they see me looking at them “You guys really didn’t have too” i mumble but can’t help the smile forming on my face. “You only have one time in a year to celebrate this day so we thought let’s for once make this a great day for you” Seri tells me with a smile as he walks up to me. “Will you celebrate your birthday now together with us?” Iwao asks, i feel Takashi wrap his arm around my waist wanting me to say yes. I smile at all of them “Yes” i answer, finally realising that i shouldn’t let the past keep me from having fun on this day. Especially now that i have a boyfriend and friends who are here with me and i’m sure that they will not leave me like my parents did. And like that we spent the rest of the day and night together celebrating my birthday.

inazuma eleven oneshots
Short StoryJust a bundle of one shots about some background characters. Includes some romance and cute ships