Once Taehyung got back to the house he sighs, looking at the mushy and now grey looking snow on the ground.
It was rather warmer out after the small rain storm.
Taehyung shrugs it off and runs inside the house, just wanting to see his baby bunny again.
Taehyung kicks off his shoes and jacket, not caring about the mess he just made with the water from his shoes splashing on the hard wood floor.
Taehyung darts up the stairs to his room and smiles, seeing his little bunny curled up on one of his pillows.
Taehyung looks at the time on his digital clock and walks over, stripping himself until he's in his boxers and lays next to him, cuddling him softly.
"Goodnight my baby bun~"
He whispers softly before bringing the covers over himself then putting his hand around his bunny.
-~Time Skip~-
Taehyung groans lightly in his sleep, annoyed by the sound of the harsh thunder and rain outside.
He snapped his eyes open, watching the room become lit from the lightning outside for a second as the echos from a glass breaking is heard from below him.
Taehyung looked around his room for his bunny and furrows his brows, confused onto where the little thing was.
He got up and grabbed his bat in the corner of his room, walking out of his room and down the stairs to where the sound had came from. The kitchen.
He grips onto the bat tightly, ready to strike whatever made the noise. He swiftly grabs the switch to the light and flips it up. But to his surprise it wouldn't turn on.
Power outage or changing of lightbulb? Taehyung thought to himself but quickly snaps out of it once he hears glass being moved slowly, as if someone was trying to secretly move or clean something.
Taehyung cautiously and quietly makes his way closer to the sounds and squints into the darkness.
"Show yourself or I'll swing," Taehyung states confidently as he grips onto the bat tighter.
Taehyung heard the movement of the glass stop. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence for a bit until a shaken voice whispers out, "D-Daddy, it's okay.. it's just m-me.. I'm sorry I made a mess, I got scared.. I promise I'll clean it up, please don't h-hit me.."
Taehyung was taken aback because first of all, he was called "Daddy". Second the person seemed hurt or shy or something that wasn't clear to Taehyung at the moment.
Taehyung lowers his bat and tilts his head to the side, confused. "H-Huh?"
It wasn't until another flash of lighting lit up the room and the boy was visible.
From what he could see the boy was naked and on his knees, cleaning up shards of glass. The boy had bunny looking ears and a collar that looked just like his bunny's.
Taehyung raises his bat again, anger suddenly filling him. "Where is my bunny? If you hurt him I swear to god I'll kill you!" He hisses out, not thinking twice on what he was saying. All he thought was that the boy under him was some cosplayer and ended up in his house.
The shaken voice spoke up once again, "W-Wait..! Don't s-swing..! I-I didn't touch you-r bunny.. I am your b-bunny.."
Taehyung rolls his eyes in disbelief and grips his bat tighter. "Look kid. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but this isn't a time for flirting or some role play shit. You broke into my house and broke something of mine. You have five minutes to get the fuck out."
Taehyung felt a soft and small hand on his shoulder and instantly froze from the feeling.
"M-May I explain f-first..?" The shaken voice asked.
Taehyung squinted his eyes, trying to see the boy through the dark. "You have two minutes to explain."
The boy in front of him hums slightly. "It would be easier to explain in the morning... I-I'll sit outside till then.. le-t me in or meet m-me out there in three hours w-when there's light..."
Taehyung hums slightly, feeling bad for letting this stranger wait three hours outside for him. But yet again he did break into his house. He was debating on letting him stay for the night or force him out.
The best got to him so he sighs. "No. I have a couch in my room you may sleep on. I'm not going to kick you outside in this weather. Just don't call me Daddy or anything near that. Understood?"
The stranger's hand moved from Taehyung's shoulder to his hand, gripping it tightly. "T-Thank you s-so much..! A-And I only know you as Daddy.. that's all you refer yourself to around me.."
Taehyung rolls his eyes and makes his way to the stairs. "I'm letting you stay the night. You don't have to be like that. You shouldn't call strangers Daddy."
He felt the stranger rest his head on his shoulder. "B-But I'm serious... you'll b-believe me later Daddy.."
Taehyung bit his bottom lip slightly and found his way to his room, helping the stranger to the couch. After giving him a blanket and pillow he went to his bed and laid down, keeping his bat close to him just in case.
The both of them slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sensitive Ears
Fanfiction!¡Warning¡! Contains Mature Content Such As: -Swearing -Sexual Content Read At Your Own Risk -Top Taehyung -Bottom Jungkook This book is about a boy and a bunny hybrid. The owner of the bunny hybrid is Kim Taehyung. On his 21st birthday he was...