28. Alexander

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"Mr. Storm you can't go in there"

"The hell I can" Elle and my father's voices rang outside my office door before it was thrown open and my father walked in with Elle trailing behind

"I'm sorry Mr. Storm I tried to stop him" Elle apologized looking over my father's shoulder

"It's fine, Elle, you can leave," I said and she nodded before walking out and closing the door behind her leaving my father and I alone, "Now what do you want? If you haven't noticed I have a business to run and I'm in the middle of work"

"What the hell is this?" He asked infuriated as he slammed an envelope on my desk and I looked at it before raising my eyes to him and said

"If I'm not mistaken that's an envelope" I replied with a raised brow, "I thought you were smart to know what it is"

"Don't play dumb, Alexander" he sneered as he pulled out a packet from inside and practically stuffing it in my face and I sighed pushing it away

"I know what it says. No need to practically tattoo it into my damn face" I said moving away from my desk before walking towards the corner of my office and pressing a button on the wall that changed it into a mini bar before pouring myself a drink, "I did warn you before that if you got near Katerina again after I had warned you and mother two days ago, then you'll regret it didn't I?"

"Have you fucking lost your mind?!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes as I walked back to my desk and sat down on my chair as he paced my office floor muttering to himself before looking back up at me, "How dare you dig up your mother and I's business report!?"

"As I stated, I warned you to stay away from Katerina and David's building the last time we spoke but it seems that it didn't quite get through your thick skull," I said setting my drink down and extending my arms out as I got comfortable in my chair before looking at him square in the eye, "I warned you that I was going to destroy you both if you didn't stop harassing us but it seemed as if you thought I was joking"

"Do you have any idea what this would do to our image if word goes out that we're bankrupted?" He asked his eyes blazing with anger and I just shrugged

"It's none of my concern. You decided to ignore my warnings several times and I had to do something to make you both realize that I'm not playing. Didn't you believe my fiancée when she said that we would be getting a restraint order against you both of you ever get near us?" I stated and smiled in satisfaction as I watched my father's anger increase at my words but I couldn't really care less.

If he wants to fight fire with fire then he's going to get burned. I learned that from him a long time ago. He always threatened people on destroying them if they ever got in his way and always went through with them when his competition or anyone for that matter didn't heed his words.

"If you don't have anything else to say you can leave, I have work to do before I can go home to my family. If not you can sit tight and wait for the cops to get here and escort you out themselves which in the end will only ruin your image even more if reporters see you being removed from my business by the police" I said with a shrug as I began packing my things up since it was already 3 in the afternoon since this was the time that I usually go home unless I have an important meeting to attend then I don't go home until 5.

"I doubt you'll call the cops on your father," He said as he sat down, "We're not done discussing this, Alexander," he said voice strained in aggravation and I sighed looking at him in annoyance.

"I made it very clear that we were done talking about this, Angelo. You decided to take two clients from David and me with false promises that their dream business would be built within a certain time frame and guess what? It still hasn't even been started yet. Had you and mother not interfered, their business would have already been open and bringing them revenue" I stated as I finish packing my things before leaning over and pressing a button to call my secretary, "Elle"

"Yes, Mr.Storm?" Her voice filtered through the speaker and I looked at my father as he clenched his jaw daring me to continue

"Have Marco come up to my office and escort my father out. If he still refuses to leave the building once he's been escorted down, call the police" I stated

"Of course Mr. Storm"She replied and I took my finger off the button and looked at my father and I didn't even get a chance to react when I felt his first connect with my face and I bossed as I tasted the familiar metal I taste of blood on my tongue from the cut on my cheek. I wiped the blood that dribbled out from my lip and looked at my father who was fuming. I felt blood boil in my veins and before I could think twice I launched at him, my fist connecting with his face before we were both falling to the ground at the impact.

"Fucking bastard!" He yelled as he tried getting me off but I was livid. All I could see was red. I never thought that I'd ever been in this position with my father. As much as I hated him for everything that he's done to me up to this point I never expected him to hit, no, punch me. And I took all my frustrations, anger and hate on him for ruining my life five years ago. All the resentment and hatred I held for him, I showed it by punches.

"Stay the fuck away from my family and my business if you know what's good for you or you will never live a life of freedom again when word gets out that you're bankrupted" I snarled at him as Marco let me go and grabbed my father before he could throw another punch at me, "Get him the fuck out of here before I kill him"

"Yes, Mr. Storm" Marco nodded as he pulled a fuming and cursing Angelo out of my office and Elle gasped with wide eyes as she saw my appearance before rushing to the adjacent bathroom and coming back out with a washcloth

"Let me clean your wound before you head out, Miss Katerina will have a heart attack if she sees you this way," she said before she began cleaning my face and I hissed when she went over a cut and she quickly apologized, "there you're all set though I think you should take this with you in case you begin bleeding again" she handed me a clean washcloth and I sighed thanking her before leaving my mess of an office.

Let this be a lesson to him, mess with me then you're bound to get your reputation and face ruined.

an here's a new chapter guys let me know what you think and sorry if it sucked. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be written but everything that I had written had been erased and I had to rewrite it again so sorry again if the chapter wasn't good. Should the next chapter be a time skip or no? And if so how much should it be skipped too? And what should happen then?Anywho please leave a vote/fan and your thoughts on the chapter.

and as always thank you for the love and support it means a lot and I appreciate every single one do you who takes time out of your days to read my books even if they suck or have grammar mistakes❤️



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