Chapter One

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Hadrian was sitting comfortably at the Slytherin Table, in the Great Hall, eating breakfast. Draco was next to him, complaining about the Gryffin-dork Trio; Greg and Vince were stuffing their faces full of bacon; and Blaise and Theo were talking about whatever. Hadrian saw nothing wrong with his friends, regardless of what his family thought. Slytherins or not, his friends were his family.

Nearing the end of breakfast, an owl flew into the hall and landed on the Gryffindor table. The owl left a letter for the 'great boy-who-lived'. Just as it looked like it was about to leave, the owl instead turned and landed on the Slytherin Table. In front of Hadrian. He couldn't take his eyes off of the letter that the ever familiar owl had in its beak. This owl, his father's owl Hooter, had always brought letters to the Potter golden child: Nathaniel Potter. He eyed the owl and took the letter from it and it thusly left. Hadrian stared at it as it left and then stared at the letter.

He couldn't help the sneer that crossed his face. For the past three years, he had received no letters from home except the letter in First Year, proclaiming his 'loving' parents thoughts on his sorting. Stowing the letter into his pocket, He got up and left the hall with his friends trailing after him.

"Are you not going to open it Harry?" Draco said from beside him.

"I'd rather not."

"It could be important"

"Since when have my parents ever cared about me knowing anything of importance, Theo?"

"I'm just saying that you could..."

"For Merlin's sake Theo! Shut up!" Blaise shouted, "Those cretins obviously expect something from him. Whatever it is, he will not give"

"Alright, jeez! But honestly, at least read it Harry"

"He'll read it when he's good and ready"

"Thank you, Greg. Now we should probably pick up our bags quickly, we have Transfiguration and that is quite a ways to go."

All throughout the day, Hadrian felt as if the letter was starting to grow heavier in his pocket. His mind continuously thought of things his parents would likely write him. The most prevalent being that he was being disowned and stripped of his family name soon. He didn't quite care much about that. After all, he always had a secret back-up just waiting to be revealed.

Finally at dinner, his dear brother came into the hall and made a bee-line for the Slytherin table. Hadrian watched as Nathaniel walked to stand right behind him. He did his best to ignore his brother's presence.

"I can't say I'm surprised you haven't responded to the letter. Dad did say that you might not even read it."

Hadrian turned to his brother and stared at his face. Though they were twins, the Potter boys had some differences. Where Nathaniel had the trademark Potter hair nest in their mothers fiery-red hue while Hadrian had smooth raven-black waves reaching just past his shoulders. Nathaniel's hazel eyes stared into his evergreen eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Nathaniel?"

"Nathan! Everyone calls me Nathan, Harry"

"Like I care and by the way... It's Hadrian to you."

"Augh, whatever. The letter dad wrote you says that you're supposed to return home with me this Christmas."

"Sorry to disappoint but I have plans, Theo has kindly invited us all to his manor for Christmas and to attend their New Year's Ball. So whatever dear old James has planned is unimportant to me." Harry turned back to his food.

"Did I say 'supposed', no. I meant 'required'. Whether you like it or not, you will be in the Professor Dumbledore's office tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. If you're not then dad will take you by force"

"I'd like to see him try"

It was then that Nathaniel had enough and left. Harry stared at him with anger as he sat down with the idiot Weasley and muggleborn Granger girl. Frankly, his brother's choice in friends is deplorable.

Ronald Weasley is an absolute idiot. He and his family are nothing but blood-traitors and fame-chasers. Using Nathaniel for his fame and trying to make himself seem more important.

Hermione Granger is nothing but a know-it-all. She constantly craves attention from teachers and needs to show off her intelligence. She always talks about how things are in the Muggle World, disregarding the culture and traditions of the Magical World. But that isn't exactly her fault. With the way events in the Magical World are going, soon all wizarding culture and traditions will be lost to the ocean of time and it will all be Albus Dumbledore's fault.

The only Gryffindor any of us could possibly stand was Neville Longbottom. But that was because we had already long since become friends before we came to Hogwarts. He was undoubtedly a Snake in the Lion's Den and we all absolutely loved it.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to take on your father, Harry?" Vince asked.

"Yes Vince, I am! I will not stand by and let him boss me around"

"Technically, he kind of is your boss since he is the head of house Potter. He could very well disown you"

"I really don't care Dray. You of all people know what precautions I have in case that happens. There will be no need for me to go begging to be let back into house Potter should I be disowned."

"But still... What about Dumbledore? The old fool likes to meddle in other peoples affairs and he will most certainly meddle in yours. Especially since it involves your family."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it Blaise." Harry stood up and said, "By the way Draco, be ready to open up your Floo Network, who knows what will happen when I get 'home'. I might just up and leave in the middle of the night."

With that, Harry made his way out; all the while his friends were sporting mischievous smirks and Nathaniel closely watching his brother leave.

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