- thinks your height is adorable - he won't tell you that though - teasing you ALL the time - "bae im hungry, let's go to get something to eat. c'mon i'll drive" - "yeah right jagi, you have to be at least 5'5 to drive my car" - he'd always make sure you knew he was joking though - regardless of your height, he'd love you endlessly 💞.
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Junhyung 💓 ~
- doesn't really pay much attention to your height - he doesn't think it's important - but that doesn't mean he won't laugh his ass off watching you struggle to get the cereal from the top of the fridge - the little shit wouldn't even help you either - he'd just sit there dying of laughter - "c'mon babe, just a little higher &' you got it"
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Yoseob 💗 ~
- teases the fuck out of you - finally someone shorter than him - lowkey thinks your height is cute as shit - scared your kids won't make it over 5'0 - "haha y/n, you can only ride the rides at snoopy land when we go to kings island" - "ok and?" - loves you &' your little height 💝 .
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Gikwang 💘 ~
- loves how small &' cute you are - always standing over you - always making jokes about your height - "y/n hopefully our kids take after me in the height department" - " shutup gikwang"
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Dongwoon 💖 ~
- literally a giant compared to you - he doesn't mind though - thinks your height doesn't matter as long as he loves you - always being the big spoon while cuddling because of your small frame - loves bending down to kiss your forehead
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——————————————————————— hey guys 💋 ,
tried to write some fluff for once lmao, sorry i know it's short but it's like 5am where i live so im sleep deprived 🤣 . requests are open 😌 .