Chapter 2: Loss

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Hey there guys so surprisingly I have a lot of spare time on my hands so I'm gonna try to get these out once every two or three days maybe even one if I start on it early but anyways let's get to the story


Y/N in thoughts: Whew thank oum those guys weren't eaten but it took me so long to send them back and now it's nighttime damn mom is gonna be mad

As Y/N was hoping in the trees he noticed a huge fire coming from the area he lives in

Y/N: No (He hops at full speed only to see his house set a flame) MOM!!! DAD!!! Are you there respond

Goku: Y/N!!! GET DOWN!!!!

Y/N dodges a purple beam just in time but what he saw next almost made him pass out

Y/N: Dad what happened to you

(Something like this but replace those characters with you and goku)

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(Something like this but replace those characters with you and goku)

Goku: (Says weakly) Son you need to get out of here the woman who did this is after you

Y/N: Where is mom

ChiChi: Son we need to get out of here

Y/N: But what about dad (Looks towards him) cmon dad

Goku: Son dont wor-

As soon as he stopped a women dressed in a black cloak puts a giant sword through his Chest

Y/N: DAD!!!!! (Escapes his moms grasp and catches him mid fall then lays him down gently) DAD Get up

As Goku's life escapes from him Y/N hair starts to flicker from your H/C to yellow

Y/N: Dad come back you can't leave me and mom yet we need you I need you starts to sob DAMN IT!!!!!!!!

At this moment both the women and your mom were surprised from what they had witnessed it was you. in super saiyain mode

 in super saiyain mode

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