38 ~ Leave

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I'm in Atlanta.

That's the first thing I realize as I scan the area, the yard behind the mall where I used to hang out.

Sammy Vasquez nudges me, glancing up I find Ethan Jones charging at me. His ego clearly wounded.

"McClain, we need to fucking talk."

I laugh, throwing a can of beer on the ground. "There's not much to say, Golden Boy."

He stops in front of me, trying his best to be intimidating while staring up at me. "You screwed my girlfriend."

My friends all laugh, a few slapping me on the back as I can't help but join in. "So what, you cheat on her all the time. She wanted to get even and who was I to say no?"

Everyone knows he cheats on her, I'm a pretty shitty person but even I wouldn't cheat on someone.

"She's still my girlfriend, you no good piece of white trash."

My smile falls, "I'm going to give you three seconds to walk away."

Turning my back, I try to calm myself down, that's the one name I won't let slide. Just as I begin to find a better thought other than watching my mom's face crumble as she was called the same thing I jolt forward.

That little shit just pushed me, without thinking I turn around. My fist connects with his face the, only problem is that this time I don't stop hitting him. I punch him over, and over, and over again. Even after he crumbles to the ground.

In a panic I sit up, gasping as I take in my surroundings. It's difficult to focus as my chest heaves up and down, air barely filling my lungs before it's gone again.

It was just a dream, Ashton. Ethan is okay, probably still an asshole but okay. I go to run my fingers through my hair, but my arm gets caught. Looking down, my heart stops as I remember where I am.

I'm in Scarlett's room, her hands wrapped around my arm like a lifeline as she sleeps. Great, to make things even worse I just had to have a nightmare here. It's a miracle she didn't wake up. But she's still out cold and I'm okay.

Closing my eyes I focus on her breathing, matching mine to hers. Once I'm finally calmed down I fall into another realization, I can't fall back asleep. It's not just that I'm wired up, the sun is starting to rise. My automatic alarm clock has gone off and sleep is no longer an option.

Letting out a groan, I lay back down, agitated with myself for waking up. In the middle of scolding myself a noise interrupts my thoughts, I jump trying figure out where it's coming from. My initial thought is that someone is home but as the sound repeats I learn that it's coming from Scarlett.

She's snoring.

A soft laugh escapes as I pull the blankets back over us, it's a miracle I didn't wake up earlier. She's so loud. Blinking the remaining sleep out of my eyes I listen to her, resting my head near her shoulder.


I'm not sure how much time passes before the snores stop, it's undoubtedly later, probably nine. I've spent hours just laying here and I've loved every second of it. As her hand pulls away from my arm I panic, she's awake. How do I explain that I've been awake for hours without seeming like a total creep?

I don't, instead I close my eyes seconds before she rolls over. Counting to five, I prepare my fake wake up when cold fingers touch my face. Instinctively, I stop breathing as she delicately traces my features.

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