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DAY 55

"This is where I lived before I moved into the lab," Veronica says as she gestures for Theseus to follow her into the apartment building. Theseus looks around at the new scenery. He had seen places like this before his time in the lab, but not since. He especially hadn't been inside one before, but Vee did say she used to live here... by herself with just her sister, that is.

Theseus grumbles to himself as they make their way inside. He should have been here sooner. How could his Mate live by herself without him--without someone to protect her?

Stupid, stupid wolf.

"What is it?" Veronica asks him, a concerned look on her face. He had been growling at his shoes for quite a few moments and she was worried he felt threatened by the new atmosphere.

"Nothing," he mutters sullenly. Deciding to drop the subject, Veronica leads him up the breezeway steps behind her sister.

The three come to a stop at the second landing and in front of the door that has the number 26 on it. Morgan unlocks the door and opens it for Veronica and the lycanthrope to step through.

Theseus notices many scents in the room, including Morgan's and a faint trace of Veronica's. Her smell has probably dissipated since she hasn't been here in a while. Many things in the room are new to him, and he would ask questions, but Morgam begins speaking before he gets the chance.

"Alright, I have stayed quiet this whole time waiting for someone to tell me what's going on, so start talking!" She says, crossing her arms over her chest. She pins Veronica with an accusing stare.

The young scientist sighs. "You might want to sit down for this."

The two sisters sit down on the small sofa which faces the TV. Theseus awkwardly sits next to Veronica, not really knowing what to do. It's been a while since he has sat on a sofa, and it didn't look like this.

"Well, erm, as you know, Theseus here is a lycanthrope, also known as a werewolf."

Morgan eyes her sister with trepidation. She knows Veronica has never been one to joke around or to believe implausible stuff. "Alright. I will believe you, but just know this is really, really crazy."

And so Veronica starts her story at the very beginning. At day one. Morgan listened eagerly, her eyebrows rising occasionally. She found it hard to believe that her sister got to work on a top secret government project.

"...And I was honestly terrified," Veronica says as she tells about her first time meeting Theseus in the hallway. The lycan lowers his head. How could he have been so barbaric? Scaring his mate like that? He again wonders how he could have ended up with such a forgiving mate.

"S-sorry," he mumbles.

Veronica glances his way, caught off guard by his voice. He hasn't really spoken at all since they sat down. "Its okay. Looking back on it, you were probably just excited."

Yes, he thinks to himself. Definitely excited. Her beauty had also surprised him. He had imagined her being beautiful, yes, but not too that beautiful. With her womanly curves and strikingly red hair, he nearly passed out from awe.


"So that's how you ended up breaking out of B.E.A.R. Labs with a smoking hot werewolf boyfriend?" Morgan asks.

Veronica winces at the harsh reality of it all. "I wouldn't exactly say boyfriend..." Veronica mutters shyly.

"Well, if you don't want him, I'll take him."

Theseus pales. Will his Mate give him up so easily? Morgan doesn't seem terrible, but she isn't his Veronica. No, he would not have that. He was Veronica's. He belonged solely to her. No one else. Theseus growls at the other woman and bares his teeth, his canines lengthening.

Veronica clasps a hand over his forearm, grounding him from attacking her sister. "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Was it something she said?"

Theseus doesn't respond right away, choosing to pull her into his lap and nuzzle his face into her hair. His growls continue as he subconsciously holds her tighter.

"I'm yours, no one else's," Theseus says with finality.

"What? Oh! No, she was kidding, Theseus. I won't let her take you," Veronica says with a chuckle. She is honestly surprised by how quickly he came to that conclusion.

Morgan watches the two in awe. This is the craziest thing she has ever seen. If she didn't believe it before, she does now. That smoking hot, ruggedly handsome, masculine creature was completely and utterly in love with Veronica. She only hoped Veronica realized that.


The front door opens and Morgan marches into the room with a large bag of Chinese food. He still finds it fascinating that they are eating a cuisine from the other side of the world.

They eat dinner in silence, Theseus savoring the tangy flavour of Orange Chicken on his tongue. He has never tasted anything like it.

Theseus follows his mate silently as she makes her way to her old bedroom. He watches her hips as they sway back and forth before quickly snapping his gaze up. That was wrong, he silently chides himself.

He follows her into the room, his muscles relaxing slightly as her scent envelops his senses. Veronica pulls a blanket and a pillow from the closet and pushes them into Theseus' arms. The lycan stares at them confusedly.

"Its for you to use while you sleep on the couch," she says.

Theseus shakes his head, a stubborn look hardening his features. "No."

"What do you mean no?" Veronica asks.

"I stay with you," he replies.

Veronica let's out a humorless chuckle. "Nuh uh, you get the couch."

Theseus doesn't bother to reply, choosing instead to do something she probably won't like. Before she has a chance to react, Theseus drops the blankets and picks Veronica up like a child. He chuckles amusedly as she kicks her legs uselessly.

"Theseus, no!" She whisper shouts, as to not alert her sister. "Bad wolf!"

Theseus drops her on the bed before quickly crawling in after her, holding her against him to keep her from escaping. The sound of his deep chuckles fill the silence as he holds her gently to his chest.

Veronica turns around in his hold, a stern expression on her face, but upon seeing his happy smile, her anger quickly fades.

She releases a heavy sigh. "Fine, just... don't try anything."

Veronica reluctantly relaxes into Theseus' chest, the sound of his heartbeat thumping lulling her into sleep. Theseus stares down at his little Mate, wondering he could have possibly gotten so lucky.

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