. : Jc's P.O.V : .
We penny boarded our way to the movie theater, when i was penny boarding Allison called me asking where i was and what i was doing. I said "Im penny boarding to the movies with Jenn, I told you this Allison." "Oh yeah," she said. "Well i have to go, Jacks waiting for me." I hung up once she said Jack.. : Jenns P.O.V : .
Jc just obviously got off the phone with Allison. She treats him like crap, he doesnt even need her, hes got me, Andrea, Arden, Lauren, Trevor, Sam, Kian, Connor, Ricky & his family. Jc broke my thoughts by sayin "you okay Jenn?" "Yeah," I said "Just thinkin" "Okay" he replied.We finally arrived at the movie theater about, 5 minutes later. While we were walking in, it poured on us. Sad my hair got wet.
I went up to the counter and got two tickets for "Oujia" I gave one ticket to Jc and he said "thanks Jenn" "no problemm" I gave the guy who rips the tickets my ticket, he ripped it winked at me & told me theater 10. I walked through and waited for Jc, he came and walked next to me, then did the weirdest thing, he held my hand. I felt tingles through my body when he touched me, but i just ignored it.
We walked into the movie and he picked a seat on the far right. We sat down, still holding hands, until i saw HIM...

Complicated (A Jc Caylen & Jennxpenn Fanfic.)
FanfictionJenn & Jc are bestfrieds, but after Jc and his girlfriend break up, if they do, will it change a relationship with Jc & Jenn?