Party time

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Jades POV:
After some hot making out in the shower we eventually got ready. Me in my usual black skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt and perrie in blue ripped jeans with a white crop top. How can something so simple look so hot and gorgeous on her. I'd felt so tired today probably because I used all my energy last night on her but I didn't mind. It was cute I'd woken up with her head and hand on my chest. I must've been staring at her for half an hour before she woke up. Never in my life have I ever felt so content. Anyway there was a party later tonight which I knew perrie wasn't invited to because she never is invited to anything. "Baby There's a party tonight wanna come" I said playing with her hair. "Umm I don't know I'm not really a party person you can go if you want" she looked really tired but her bruise on her cheek was going down now I felt sorry for her but maybe I can persuade her to come. "Come on babe it'll be fun and plus I get to show you off" I pleaded getting in my knees in front of her. "Pleeeease" I pouted like a kid. "Fine then" she said rolling her eyes.

Perries POV:
I really didn't want to go to the party I knew Lillie would be there with her squad and jade would probably go off with her friends leaving me there doing nothing. Maybe I could pull a sickie and get away with it. Or I could just stop being boring and go and get drunk. I sighed and climbed on jades lap. "Baby I don't think I should go" I said rubbing her shoulders. "Why not babe" she asked rubbing my hips "I don't think I'll fit in I'll just stay at home you go have fun I need to revise anyway" she sighed. Was she mad at me. "I'm sorry" I said which caused her to sigh even more. She took me off her lap and went upstairs. This caused me to tear up why was she mad I didn't say anything wrong. I decided to cry so I just picked up my blanket and put it over me.

Jades POV:
I heard light sobs coming from downstairs. I think I upset her I ran downstairs and she was under her Disney blanket crying. I walked over and got under it with her. "Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" she sniffed and cuddled into me. "I just hate seeing you put yourself down your so much more than you think and if your scared you won't fit in I'll stay with you the whole night I promise and if you wanna leave if it doesn't feel right there we'll go ok" she nodded and cuddled into me more if it was anymore possible. God I loved this girl more than anything in my whole life.
We both got ready for the party and my god she looked stunning "I'm gonna be pulling guys and girls off you all nigh" she rolled her eyes and kissed me. "You shouldn't worry it's not like I've been given attention before" I nodded and kissed her again.
We got into the party it was pretty busy. Music was blaring out the speakers and there were a couple of people making out on the girls couch. "I need a drink" perrie said pushing through a crowd of people. She sure got her confidence back. She came back with two red plastic cups and gave me one. I saw jesy and Leigh and pulled her over to them. "Hey" I said and they both hugged me. "Umm Jes Leigh this is perrie my girlfriend" It feels so good saying that 'girlfriend'. "Nice to meet you I love your outfit" Leigh said I'm glad they were being nice to her. Leigh and perrie were having there own conversation about a tv show and jesy pulled me to the side. "So I'm guessing you've slept with her" I blushed and took a swig of my drink. "Yeah and" she gave me a look I was familiar with her cheeky grin. "Was she good" she judged me and raised her eyebrows. "The fucking best" I looked over at perrie and admired her up and down she was flawless. "Good I'm glad your happy now lets get drunk hopefully we can both get laid" she handed me a bottle off vodka and 4 shot glasses.

Perries POV
Leigh Anne was so nice I was close with her already. We all went out into the garden were most people were smoking or talking. Jade sat on a chair and patted her lap instructing me to sit on it so I did. I'm not gonna lie I was tipsy already. I grabbed jades jaw and kissed her. "I love you" I slurred. "Love you too" she took a shot and handed me one I took it and shook my head after. "How can you drink that straight" I said covering my mouth. "All in good practice sexy"
Me and jade where now both drunk out are minds. Jade was getting more and more horny and I was getting more and more cheeky. I got another drink for us. "Come dance with me" I tugged on her arm. She smiled and followed me into the house where there were sweaty drunk body's everywhere grinding on each other. The music seemed more loud than earlier and grime was now pouring out the speakers. Jade smiled down at me and kissed me placing her hands on my ass. "I love you" I said putting my hands around the back of her neck. "Your way to innocent Edwards" she gave me another drink. After another 20 minutes of taking shots we left it. "Let's get out of here" jade said giggling cheekily. I couldn't see straight and held jades hand as we stumbled back to her house. It was 3:30 in the morning so I doubt her parents would be up. We got to her front door and I wrapped my arms around her waist as she fumbled with her keys. As soon as the door opened we creeped inside. "Shhhhh" jade said to me very loudly. "ok I'm coming" I said holding her hand. "You'll be saying that again later oh wait let's take this" she pointed to a bottle of scotch on the side. I grabbed it and we stumbled into her messy room. We both managed to finish the bottle. And then the next thing I remember was her kissing me. Then undressing me then thrusting into me. Then I came undone and so did she. It felt different for some reason then I remembered no condom before passing out.

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