Chapter 3.

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"Sammy, I come here to check on you and you say you made a mistake and you're so disappointed in yourself, but you don't tell me what it was. Tell me what's going on."

I found myself in my sanctuary on the floor, hugging a Bendy plush and silently crying. Since I have not left my office for a few days, a lost one friend of mine came to check on me. His name is Gary, and no one actually knows where he came from. Its kinda like he just showed up one day for no reason and became a friend of all the lost ones and searchers. But at the moment? All he was doing was pestering me about my self disappointment and he wouldn't take an "I don't want to talk about it" as an answer. So after a while of his constant protest and pleading, I decided to tell him about my failure, starting from the kidnapping and ending with Bendy leaving me alone to cry like a baby. Gary listened to my story.

"Well you see, Sammy, you were already a baby." Gary joked. "I'm just kidding, buddy. But I'm probably going to assume that Bendy was just upset that he fell through the ceiling, because he tends to get stressed when things don't go as planned or to his favor. Don't get too butthurt about it, our lord is a hothead and his ego is bigger than this studio. You didn't do anything wrong."

"If I didn't do anything wrong he wouldn't have yelled at me..." I whined. "He wouldn't have gotten mad if I was useful like everyone else. And you don't understand why this is such a horrible thing to me. Gary, I must confess, I don't only think of him as my lord, I-I...." Well. If I could trust anyone in this studio anymore, it would be Gary. He's my best friend here, so I guess that was a valid reason to spill everything to him. "...I-I'm madly in love with him, Gary! I love him so much I can't think straight! I've already gone crazy, but this is making it worse!!" After I confessed all of that he just stared at me for a few seconds.

"Um. Wow. Okay, uh... Now that you say that I really should have seen this coming, heh." Gary said, and shrugged. "I kinda feel stupid now."

"Ugh. Whatever." I groaned. "...So while I was in here crying like a baby forever, what's been happening?"

"Ah. I was wondering when you'd ask something like that." Gary told me. "Ok so apparently absolutely NO ONE has seen Boris since the day you kidnapped Henry, and that's really stressing Bendy out. He's getting more aggressive every day. But on another note, Susie decided to start trying to help us get Henry, and she's apparently doing a good job-"


"Ah. Well. You didn't let me finish." Gary said. "You aren't going to like this, but those were our lord's words. I was listening to a conversation and I ended up hearing him say that to someone."

"...Lovely." I whimpered out. "I've been replaced by someone who will go out of her way to try to make everyone mad or upset in any way." Oh no, here we go again. "....MY LORD HATES ME!" I started bawling like an idiot again, hugging the plushie tightly while Gary watched with concern.

"Sam, stop crying. He does not hate you, and based on your story he never said you couldn't help." Gary told me. "He just doesn't want you to mess up. Now come on, what happened to your famous devotion and optimism?"

"I'm still devoted, I'm just down." I mumbled. "Just give me time. Come back like... Tomorrow?" Gary groaned in disappointment.

"Fine. But I'm not gonna hear any whining from you when I come back tomorrow." He said sternly.

"No promises."

And I was alone again. Alone with my frustration. I layed on the ground and continued my sulking in peace, which is what I wanted.

Am I Not Good Enough? A Bendy x Sammy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now