Chapter 1

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I wake up to find myself in an unfamiliar room. My head is throbbing and I can feel a sticky substance slowly trickling down my right temple. My leg is restrained to a dirty looking bed with a shiny silver chain. I slowly sit up while trying to be careful with the open wound on my head. I close my eyes tightly and try to remember what happened earlier. I can only recall being at Colten's end of summer party. I can't remember his party ever taking a turn for the worst but apparently it did.

"Raelyn nice to see you are finally awake." The tender voice from an older women sends shivers down my spine.

"W-where am I? Where's Colten?" I ask my voice on edge as I look around the small room for my best friend.

"Hush hush dear your brother hasn't arose yet. I'm sure he'll be up soon though sweetheart." The older women replies as she grabs the hand of the older man next to her.

"Brother?" I question them. "He's not my brother he's my best friend. What did you do to him?!" I shout my emotions all over the place. Who are these strangers?

"Raelyn Hope you do not get to raise your voice at your mother!" The man roars as his face turns slightly red.

"M-mother? She's not my mother! You two are crazy!" I  shriek at the man.

"And do not yell at your father either!" The lady scolds me while shaking a finger at me.

I put my hand back on the throbbing, bloody goose egg on my temple hoping this is a dream. Hoping these crazy people didn't really kidnap us and try to force us to be a family. This can't be real I have to be dreaming!

I notice Colten is still knocked out laying peacefully in a bed on the opposite wall as me. The room is small so there's not too much space between us. I see he also has a silver chain around his ankle confining him to the bed. The chains around our ankles are about three feet long leaving us enough room to freely move around our beds but not long enough for us to go to the opposite side of the room.

I look down at my hands, at a lost of words with what to say to my 'parents'.

"I-I'm sorry." I whisper feeling weak and giving into the strangers.

The woman disappears out of the room and returns with a white rag, rubbing alcohol, and several gauze pads with medical tape.

I back up against the bed. "Please don't hurt me." I beg.

"It's for you wound my dear, it's gonna help it." She insistent as she takes a step towards me.

I want to run and hide but because of the chain around my ankle I have no choice but to let her clean it.

She pours the rubbing alcohol on the rag and dabs it on my wound. I immediately wince in pain, but let her continue. She finishes cleaning it and places four gauze pads on the wound followed by several pieces of medical tape to tightly secure the pads to my fresh injury.

"There you go honey all done." She exclaims just as Colten begins to wake up.

Colten sits up holding his head. I run to him as far as my chain will let me. He meets me stretching out to hug me.

"RaeRae, I missed you. Where are we? What happened?" He questions looking at me but noticing the woman and man as well.

I whisper in his ear softly so they can't hear us. "Those two are our parents just go along with it til we can escape."

He nods and rubs the bump on his head, his bump is bigger then mine but not an open wound. I will have to be careful with mine so it doesn't get an infection.

"Nice to see you are awake Colten, how are you feeling son?" The man questions him with a sincere smile.

We both look at each other then turn to the strangers.

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