It wasn't a part of the plan.
It wasn't a part of the route she had created for her life.
It wasn't meant to be a part of her last summer before college.
But unfortunately not all things are planned.
And that's exactly what the events were that hap...
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"Oh, c'mon doc just give it to me straight. I promise I can take it." I dramatized raising my palm to my heart.
"Oh for the love of god, for the hundredth time Beverly you are not going to die!" Hmm...I don't believe him.
I put my hands in surrender, "Okay okay look all I'm saying is that last week my left leg tingled a bit. Sounds to me like death is at my front door."
Dr. Henry just rolled his eyes and turned to look in a filing cabinet for my papers.
They knew about it. Ever since I was born MS was hanging over my head, at least it was for my mother. Let's just say when my mother told me of the disease a few months ago it was not a pretty sight. I didn't talk to her for hours. Her not telling me was just plain dumb, but in all fairness, up until now, nothing has really been wrong. Just little, easy to deal with symptoms that my mother just played off as being a cold.
However, MS can attack at any time and cause even more fatal symptoms. My doctors just hope it will never get to that point for me.
Dr. Henry does his usual checkups and comes to the conclusion that my MS is, in fact, getting worse. I tell him about my recent mood swings, the balance issues, etc.
Eventually, he packs up all the paperwork and tells me that nothing really drastic is occurring, but that if it starts to get worse that I should come back.
"Aren't you graduating in a few days?" He says while beginning to walk out the door.
"Tomorrow actually. At this point, I'm just hoping my wobbly ass can make it across the stage." I attempt to joke.
"Beverly," he says turning towards me and running his hands over his face, "you do know that you aren't walking on the line of life or death with everything you do for the rest of your life right?" I mean technically he's wrong. Aren't we always facing the possibility of death?
Okay now before you go and say his response is a little bit of an overreaction, I've been making very cynical comments the entire appointment. I think joking about what I'm going through has just made it easier for me.
I really haven't thought much about what I'm going through and how it could potentially affect me in the long run. When I first found out I was a wreck and let's be real if someone tells you that you have a life-altering disease you are gonna think of the worst possible outcomes.
Do you know anyone with MS? If not do you know anyone with speech issues? If so, tell me about them. I'd love to hear about their stories.
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