The balcony under the disguised moon
We felt each other's tambourine
The sweet sound of the late ballad
We met inside our secret garden
Romance of life
We cry, we laugh like a newly born child
I have learned how to love in a second of our forever
The chorus is almost up
The glass slippers that you're walking on
One of it shattered to pieces on the white snow
Please leave the other one as we carry Adam's apple
The river was flowing water like tears of undines
The dried leaves of fall won't ceased to fall
Until it was blown by an unknown wind
Like lovers we touched our hearts to calm it
A coin fell under a deep well
Like a wished that vanished
A thin sound was heard when it fell
Like our love made because of our lies
A Child's Lie
PoetryPoems were made to be read and to inspire the readers. I wish I'm doing the same too.