As I'm running from the manager I look over at the woods next to the apartment complex I live in and I see something I can't ever erase from my mind. I see deep blood red eyes through leaves from a bush. I remember what I was doing but was to late and ran into the corner of the apartment complex. I only bumped my arm into the corner but it still hurt. I looked back to see if the apartment manager was still coming after me but he wasn't there. I went to look at the time but my phone wasn't in my jacket pocket. I went back to my apartment and tried opening the door but it was locked. That's when it hit me my mom wanted me to let someone in the house after school but my key is with my phone. I decided to start running to school. So I bolted down the stairs and started running on the sidewalk towards my school.
After running for a while I finally make it to school and I am out of breath. After catching my breath I look around to see the hallways are barely full. I walk around until I find my friend Lynsey. Lynsey is a nice person but she is more of an extrovert. She is popular, unlike me, she has long blonde hair and green eyes. While I have color-changing eyes, but they are most of the time grey, and short brown hair.
"Hey, Lynsey what time is it?" I asked a little confused.
"Oh, it's only..." She said as she was grabbing out her phone from her nice clean jacket. "It's only 8:10. Why are you wanting to know the time?"
"Well I left my phone and my keys in my room and when I realized I forgot them my mom already locked the door and had gone off to drop off Jerry to his job and go to work," I said a little saddened. I missed my phone it kept me distracted from the real world (aka Lynsey's talk about gossip and drama).
"Did you hear that there is going to be a new student today?" she explained as we both started walking towards my locker to drop off my stuff and grab my things needed for my first-period class. As we were walking some kid I didn't recognize bumped into me. The kid was really tall and had jet black hair. He was wearing a leather jacket. The strange part is that he said sorry after he bumped into me. I know it seems normal to say sorry after you bump into someone, but for me, it isn't. In junior high no, one would say sorry for bumping into someone like me they would just go on about their day, even new students would do this.
The bell rang and Lynsey and I went to our first period. We had different first periods so we went to the class that we needed to be in. As I went to sit down in my seat the teacher was talking about something. I wasn't paying much attention until I was sitting down and was surprised at what my teacher was talking about. My teacher's name was Mrs. Cassidae. She was nice and all but she talked to people and students as if they are dumb. She uses a baby voice with her students though. It gets annoying after a while. It is as if nothing in the world is wrong to her. She likes to stay organized though. She gets upset whenever we move something.
What she was talking about though was that there was a new student. I was surprised that my class had a new student. New students usually end up in a class that wasn't mine.
"Class welcome Carmen Blackwood!" Mrs. Cassidae said in her happiest childish voice. The class welcomed him with 'heys' and 'hellos' or other cool welcoming words. I didn't say anything. Mrs. Cassidae noticed that I didn't say anything and she didn't seem to like that.
"Elvira, aren't you going to welcome Carmen?" Mrs. Cassidae said in a concerned yet angered voice. I looked at a wall and didn't respond to her. That was my way of saying 'Leave me alone. I am an introvert and I hate people'. Everyone at this point was dead silent and was looking straight at me. I hated the silence.
"Carmen you can go and sit next to..." Mrs. Cassidae stated but paused to think of where to put him. Some people in the class had their hand up because they had an empty seat next to them. I had an empty seat next to me but I didn't have my hand up. I don't like people that much.
"Carmen go sit next to...Elvira" Mrs. Cassidae said with a smile on her face. This woman is a demon! Is this punishment for not saying 'hi'. What a swine. To put me next to a human. A human I don't even know to add to that. Out of pure introvertness I kick Carmen's new chair and desk away from me.
"ELVIRA YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! DETENTION!" Mrs. Cassidae yelled in anger. I have never seen Mrs. Cassidae so mad before. I decided to run out of the classroom. As I am running through the hallway I hear the noise from earlier. I stop and I look around. No one is in the hallways, usually, there are at least teachers or a janitor. The hallway was dead silent. As I'm looking around I hear something run past me. I turn to see what made the sound but there was nothing there. I hear something run past me again. I turn around as fast as I can. I don't see anything again.
"Hey kid what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in class?" The janitor said. I was frightened. He came out of nowhere. Like bro announce your presence, please. I turned to face the janitor. The janitor seemed annoyed. Why is everyone so grouchy today.
"I needed to go to the restroom," I explained. He looked at me as if he didn't believe me. Well, I wouldn't believe me either.
"Ok go on but be fast." He said annoyed by something. I think I was annoying him. I went to the bathroom and stayed there until I heard the janitor walked away. I came out to find that the hallway lights were turned off. How do I put this... I'm kinda scared of the dark. So I was running down the hallway in the dark. I wanted to get to the exit. Even though it's bad to skip school and you shouldn't do it. I still wanted to. Anything to get me out of the dark, I'm going to do it. As I was getting closer something jumped out in the middle of my path. I tried stopping but it was too late and I ran straight into it. It turned out to be a person that I ran into. If they are hurt are they going to blame me? If they do I'm going to be a mad rage of fire.

The Truth of Elvira
FantasyThis is a story about a character and the reason why I called this story "The story with no title" was because I couldn't thinking of a title WARNING THIS CONTAINS Bad grammar Bad spelling Bad story Bad at setting description Sorry this is really...