Chapter Thirteen

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It's 9:30pm on a Tuesday and I'm sitting in my room in front of my laptop as usual working on some essays and catching up on some work that I still hadn't finished earlier.

Aiden was in this room too, across from mine making loud shuffling noises and things dropping onto the ground.

I was starting to wonder what the hell was going on in his room. But I quickly shut my prurient thoughts and carried on working trying my best to ignore hearing Aiden cursing himself out when something fell and smashed.

Unexpectedly, my phone chimed. Groaning I rip the covers off my body and walk towards where my phone was sat.

Checking through my phone I see one message from my mum. She and dad now fully understand the situation with Aiden and that it isn't all entirely my fault that I have to share an apartment with a boy.

They are even lucky enough that I got accepted at Oxford.

Plus it's not for too long, that there will be a empty apartment for me. And when I get that chance I will grab it with both hands and kiss sharing an apartment with Aiden goodbye.

But for now I have focus on my studies and getting enough money to live. As you know being an University student living isn't cheap and you have to find ways to get money.

The text reads:

Mum: "Sweetie! How have you been? Sorry we haven't been checking on you lately me and your dad have been very time consumed by work. We need to catch up!"

I read over the text and think of what to say next. So many things have been happening that I can't even write all of them in text, even if I wanted to I would be sat here till Christmas.

Should I tell her that Aiden isn't making my life a living misery? Or that I have a job at a coffee shop?

Deciding to make it short and sweet I reply with a small text to make sure she doesn't worry.

"Hi mum, everything has been great! And don't worry I know you both are busy." I send the text and fall into my bed grabbing my laptop.

Aiden's mum was sleeping peacefully on the sofa. However, I had asked her if she wanted to use my room and sleep on my bed. But she quickly declined and said the sofa would be fine.

I liked having Aiden's mum around, she was so kind and helpful. I wonder why Aiden wasn't much like her?  Me and Mrs Reed walked about our families while Aiden was in class. I spoke to her about my Brother Ryan, and she spoke about Grace, Aiden's sister. From what I've been told she is a sport lover and is the lead Netball captain at her high school.

She's in her last year in high school and is planning to study sports science at Oxford too!

I could imagine Ryan and grace becoming good friends.

I make a mental note to text Ryan tomorrow.

It's was now 9:57pm and it was gettting later and later by the minute. My eyes were heavy and the brightness of my laptop burned my eyes making them water.

Deciding to go to bed I sign off a few emails from Mrs winters and Emma and shut down my laptop and place it into the changer.

Just as I'm about to close my droopy eyes, my phone once again chimes. Making me get up again and checking who it was from.


"I need your help." I read over the text to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

What could Aiden possibly want from me especially at this hour?

I slowly tip toe into Aiden room and twist the door knob to enter. Impetuously, a strong paint odour filled my nose and i see Aiden standing wearing a transparent Painters costume and instantly I giggle at the sight of him.

"Like what you see?" Aiden smirks putting down the paint roller down on the mixing tray.

I playfully roll my eyes and quietly shut the door behind me. Making sure we don't wake up  Aiden's mum as she would be returning home later in the afternoon.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking all around the room. Heavy paint containers were present everywhere in Aiden's room and old bedding sheets were scattered on the floor.

"Isn't that Obvious Princess?" He winks at me.

"So what did you want my help for?" i avoid his eyes.

"I want you to help me paint my walls." Aiden answers handing me my own silly Painters costume too.

"Okay." I reply getting into my costume. Aiden's eyes were set on my body the whole time which made me nervous.

"Here's your roller. And make sure to paint the actual wall instead of yourself." Aiden hands me the roller and I punch his shoulder roughly.

"That's one strike lost Miss." Aiden chuckles rubbing his shoulder back and forth.

"Your keeping track?" I laugh.

"Yes, Do you have a problem with that?" Aiden lowers his eyes to me.

"No Mr Reed." I Obey.

"Good, now start painting." He commands in a husky voice.
After what seemed like 20 minutes had past, I check my phone to see the time. My mouth drops in shock when it says 1:00am.

"You know we've been painting for five hours!" I exclaim.

"We are done for today." Aiden takes off his costume, and I do too, and we begin putting on the lids for the containers and placing the rollers in water.

"I'll just get my pillow and my cover." He reaches into his wardrobe and grabs his stuff making his way towards my room.

"W- why  are you going into my room?" I ask.

"Did you really think I'm going to sleep in that room with all them fumes?" He smirks, opening my door and scanning his eyes all over my belongings.

"Fine." I huff in annoyance, while Aiden smiles at me.

"Your sleeping on the floor though." I throw some more pillows for him and he rearranges them around his body for comfort.

"It's okay with me."

"Goodnight M." Aiden whispers from the floor. And for some reason I love the sound that comes from his tongue. When he says my new nickname.

I turn on my side, my back facing him and smile to myself before falling asleep.
Sorry for not uploading sooner, Writers block is annoying but I'm back!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! New update coming soon :)

Where to find me:
Instagram- @n_imaginator_ for updates and teases for upcoming chapters!

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