Chapter 12 - The Story Of How We Met

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I lay here for hours or maybe even days. I can't be sure. The only thing that occupies my mind is her. As always.

I tried to see the logic behind what Vanessa and Lee were saying but I don't. I just can't. Four years ago I would say to hell with sulking, she's just a girl. But now... Now I can't see my self without her.

I'm​ lying in the grass at the park. The abandoned park where Lee's father would take us when we were younger. And every time I try to tell myself to let her go, that it's the best thing for her, my future suddenly disappears. I can't see myself without her and I don't want to.

I know I probably freaked her out by rushing out of that place but it was the best thing I could do. I couldn't bear to be that close to the love of my entire being and not have her. Not touch her and tell her how much I am desperately in love with her. That I need her.

I never really noticed before how much she's healed me. When my parents died I became someone different. I had a huge hole in my chest and there was always an aching deep down in that hole. I used partying, women, whatever I could to get rid of it. But there was nothing that could help. Nothing.

Until I met Evelyn.

She filled that hole. She stitched me up and took away the pain. I still miss my parents. Every single day I do. But Lyn was there. She's all I had. So what do I do without the one thing that holds me together? Evelyn's my peace. She's my place of sanity. I already feel like I'm going out of my mind and I haven't done what I've suppose to do yet. That's when I'll lose her and there'll be no going back. She'll hate me.

And that'll be what pushes me over the edge of darkness.

I grip a handful of my hair in my fist trying to fight the tears lumping at my throat.

My dad would know what to do if he were here. He knew everything about women. What he and my mother had was extraordinary. A lot like what I have...had with Lyn.

He would love her, I'm sure. He would have been proud of my choice. And I'm sure he'd love the story of how we met. Well....somewhat.


It was our third year in college. Lee and I were roommates of course. And that was the time he started womanising like me, bringing in a different girl every week and dumping them the end of the weekend. Some of the girls knew how he was but they still wanted him. Others... Well they were clueless and he was such a charmer that they thought he was genuine.

Lyn was one of the clueless girls.

And although it's selfish of me to say this, I'm glad she was because I don't think I would've met her if she wasn't.

Lee met her at a coffee shop on campus. It was late. Too late for anyone to be drinking coffee but she was upset over some guy and didn't know where else to go. Of course when Lee saw a girl alone in a coffee shop on a Friday night he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation.

It wasn't the end of the week yet so there was still another girl he was with. She was back at our dorm room waiting for him when he called me and told me he met another girl he desperately wanted to take home that night. So being the good friend I was I left the party I was at and made up a lie to get the other girl out of our dorm. It worked like a charm and I gave Lee the heads up that the dorm was clear. When I got in the next morning, Lee was passed out on his bed, shirtless.

While my bed looked like it was slept in too. I groaned.

"Don't tell me you guys did it on my bed." As soon as I said that I heard a crashing sound in the bathroom. The first thing I noticed when I went in there was the picture of my parents lying on the floor surrounded by broken pieces of the frame it was in.

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