Final destination pt 2

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Ty looked at something outside the window.

Ty: was it wrong of me to give Minako that gag?

But his thoughts were interrupted by Alina tapping his shoulder.

Alina: so this is it huh? This is were that overlord is..

Ty nodded.

Alina: wait how can you tell?

Ty: the power here is so immense it can't be put into numbers..

Alina: well we are stronger...right?

Ty slowly shook his head.


Ty: you see those two guards are both stronger than android 21 and chara combined.

Alina:...well we will still win..

Ty: your goddamn right!!

Vortex: hey ty!

Ty: yeah?

Vortex: your bento is being heated up.

Ty: thank you!!

Alina: hey...why do you eat so much?

Ty: well gods are powerful beings that have powerful appetites. Also our metabolism is a entirely different level !

Alina:... s so you never get fat?!?!

Ty: it's different. It depends on what you are the god of. For example if your the god of gluttony, then it's obvious that you can get fat. Hope has nothing to do with getting fat, therefore I don't get fat easily.

Alina: makes sense...what about makoto?

Ty: well ask him....once he's done in the bedroom with Minako.

Alina: yeah didn't you give Minako a gag.

Ty: hey she's been nice too me lately so I returned the favor.

Alina: makotos going to kick your ass.

Ty went into his ultimate finale form.

Ty: well we shall see

Ty turned to see vortex trying to roast marshmallows.



Ty:........why haven't I thought of that.

Vortex: well I mean your in flames basically.

Ty: yeah I geuss. But isn't it hot?

Vortex: do you see how long my stock is?

The camera zooms out to reveal vortex twenty feet away roasting with a super long stick.

Vortex: dude mans hot

Ty: mans not hot!!!

Suddenly the marshmallow vortex was making chaight on fire.

Vortex: ty WTF

Vortex: ty WTF

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