What Comfort Zone? Part 2

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Lachlan's POV

Sitting there and playing games, Vik watching me and the screen while his friends around him were talking amongst themselves and playing their Nintendo games. I thought it was cute how he and I were still talking casually.

Vik: "You know it's not that bad, I suppose I'm a little jealous that you literally get to work by playing video games all day. That would be pretty cool on paper, but I've seen some of the posts you put up. The hardest part sounds like everything on the outside."

Lachlan: "Yeah it can be pretty annoying at times. But I suppose it doesn't really matter if you enjoy what you do. And there are a lot of people who do it."

He looked over at me and gave a small smile, the boy making me nervous as hell and Jay knew it. Mitch though was oblivious, casually talking to his friends.

Lachlan: "Mitch?"

Mitch: "Yeah?"

Lachlan: "I'm gonna swap with you, So I'll go with Jay to get dinner OK?"

Mitch: "Oh uh... Are you sure? I don't mind really."

Lachlan: "Nah I'll go it's fine."

With time passing, Vik and I chatting for a little across from one another as I moved over to sit closer to him so we weren't talking over other people. Taking the bean bag beside his chair. We were getting into a conversation about games and what he likes as Jay put his hand on my shoulder.

Jay: "Mitch said you swapped so come on let's go get pizza for everyone."

Lachlan: "Cool, Sorry Vik but we will be back."

Vik: "Nah its fine mate, I'm starting to get hungry anyway so the sooner you get back the sooner we can eat and keep talking."

Lachlan: "Yeah. It's nice."

Vik: "I'm enjoying it."

I watched as he quite sneakily hid his small flinch, likely a reaction from saying he was enjoying our chat. He was really cute and maybe he just thought like how other people do. That he's just trying to talk to me more and get in on videos... Honestly, that's probably what it is I reckon. I wouldn't blame him, to be honest, but I almost let him. I can't believe I almost so easily opened that door I put in my head to let through those I trusted. It was like I built a large wall, blocking people from seeing the real me. The only person on the other side with me was Jay, and Mitch was only in that first depression door because I needed someone to talk to. But that second door. The one in my mind painted with multiple colours, that was my special door and I liked that door. I just needed to keep it closed.

Jay: "Shouldn't be too long."

Lachlan: "Sure."

As I stood up and followed him out the door, Jay letting everyone know we will be back with food when we hopped into the car and began driving. I knew Jay was wanting to ask me about Vik.

Jay: "So... Want to tell me what's going on inside your head?"

Lachlan: "Uh..."

Vik's POV

Sitting on the couch after Lachlan and his friend left to get the pizza, I couldn't help but think back on the man that was just sitting beside me. His Blonde hair, His beautiful blue eyes were going to be the end of me I swear. I just couldn't make it known, He would probably take it the wrong way knowing my luck. I didn't want to scare him off now that I had actually met the guy. He was so fucking hot oh my god.

Jared: "You right there Vik?"

Vik: "Hm? Yeah no, I'm fine, Just starting to get a bit hungry."

Jared: "Looked like you were eyeing Lachlan then."

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